Animal Farm Essay

Páginas: 3 (548 palabras) Publicado: 10 de febrero de 2013
Erika Martinez Diaz

Literatura II

Martha Ofelia Ortega Vergara



The story is development in farm in England and starts when Old Major, an oldpig, has a dream be free animal, don not have oppression or obey any human. Old Major tell the dream to animals and convince them to do a rebellion to kicked out to Mr. Jones farm`s owner. Three daysafter Old Major died, but Snowball, Napoleon and Squaler decided to keep with that dream, so they kicked out to Mr. Jones in a fight where all the animals participated; when they got be frees. Theyfelt so proud and invented a song called “Beast of England”, they sang it every day in the morning. Also they invented 7 commandments basically it is talks about do not do what humans do, do not havethe same behavior, and anything that has two legs are an enemy. Days after the product have increased 200% all things was going right but one day animals realize that pigs was doing the same thingsthat humans, they were sleeping in a bed, they were get drunk, etc… The pigs said that it was ok because the rules allowed and it was true, but the pigs change it. That not was the only thingweird, also the pigs were eating more than others, they said that was because they were thinking and that was the most tired thing to do. Also the pigs reduce the time the other animals rest and the ageto retire was increased. The things were not going well, and the pigs was so rude every day. At the end the animals realize that the pigs are became to humans.

I think Orwell was a braveauthor who writes about the themes prohibited and the major thing he did was, write in an intelligent and sophisticate way, because this novel nobody can understand. I want to start with the comparisons:Old Major: The people who want to change something and die trying to do it.

Napoleon: The government.

Snowball: The only people who want to do the change in equal conditions.

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