Animal Farm Essay

Páginas: 3 (712 palabras) Publicado: 21 de octubre de 2012
By: Eliana Ramirez Troya

This book is about the life of a lot of animals in a farm, where the animals make a revolution against the farmerMr. Jones because He made them work really hard and didn’t give them enough food; their leaders were three pigs, Napoleon, Squealer and Snowball. After winning they decided to put some rules, foravoiding the animals became like humans. While the time passes you can see how the pigs begin to take advantage of their power and that the pigs are not obeying the rules set before, and this makesthere´s not justice and equality. With the years, the animals saw how there isn’t any difference between the pigs and the humans.

You can compare how this book has a relationship with the reality of somegovernments. At first you can see how a new government promises new things and justice to their habitants just to get the power but when they finally get it, they begin to do all the things theypromised not to do. This action is seen in the entire book named “Animal Farm”. Because at first the pigs put some essential rules with the purpose of making the farm a place of equality, but as soon asthe time passes the pigs start to steal the milk and the apples, saying that it is needed for the intellect of the pigs and the innocents animals believe every word they say. Also you can see how a fewanimals remain unchanged by the revolution and the government has to remove those ideas because it may become in a problem later, another situation is in chapter seven, when some animals confess tohave been in contact with Snowball and has made some crimes against them, and Napoleon decides to kill them and this cases has been saw in a lot of places where some people are against a government,and this government kill them or put them into jail so their ideas don’t affect their power over the country.
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