
Páginas: 3 (696 palabras) Publicado: 24 de octubre de 2013
ok el either quiere decir mas o menos "este o el otro/a" o "eso o aquello/a" si usas por ejemplo esta oracion:
-Voy a ir a Cancun o el miercoles o el viernes.
-I am going to cancun eitherwednesday or friday.
Casi siempre se usa para oraciones afirmativas, otro ejemplo:
-I am getting to class either by bus or car.
-Me voy a ir a clase en Autobus o en carro.
ahora el Neither se usa mas quenada en oraciones negativas, y se traduce mas o menos como "ni esto o ni aquello/a" o tambien "Ni este o esta" etc. Tambien cuando usas Neither en vez de usar "or" tienes que usar el negativo de "or"que seria "NOR" ok?
-I am neither a teacher Nor a student
-No soy ni maestra ni estudiante o No soy ni Maestra o estudiante.
otro ejemplo:
-Claudia was neither in Cancun nor Acapulco,she was in Mazatlan.
-Claudia No estaba ni en cancun ni en acapulco, estaba en maz
ah otra cosa! puedes responder a una pregunta negativa con neither tambien. viene a ser como un "tampoco". porejemplo:
-I am not going to claudia's party.
-Neither am I
-no voy a ir a la fiesta de Claudia
-Yo tampoco.
me myself and I
1. I'm going to buy EITHER the green shirt orthe blue one.
2. She lent me two books, but I haven't read NEITHER of them.
3. Marie looked at Jim, but they didn't speak ; NEITHER of them said anything.
4. NEITHER of the two jobs seemed veryattractive, so I didn't want to apply for them.
5. You can have EITHER fish or chicken for dinner.
6. There were two films on TV, but NEITHER of them looked very interesting.
7. I haven't seenEITHER James or Julie this week.
8. I looked for my bag in the living room and in the kitchen, but it wasn't in EITHER room.
9. I rang two friends, but NEITHER of them was at home. They had goneout.
10. You can catch NEITHER number 12 bus nor number 15 bus to the city centre; you have to take another one.
NEITHER se puede usar de la siguiente manera
1. Para decir "ni uno ni el otro"
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