
Páginas: 5 (1131 palabras) Publicado: 8 de febrero de 2011
Balancing your Brain

According to some research studies, people who learn foreign languages
outsides the classrooms use the right brain more in the beginning than when they advanced levels.

People may naturally use wide-angle lenses when they are beginning a languages and use zoom lenses more when they reach a higher ability.

But many English language classes do just the opposite! Theyteach the details of English grammar at the beginning much later in the process, students are expected to get a feel for the languages.

This means that many students are being taught to learn English backwards. It is to get general meanings with the right brain early in the course and focus on grammar and vocabulary and so on later.

In your English classes you may have been using left brainby focusing on the details instead of being more relaxed and childlike.

You might become a better learner by using of your right brain on the other hand it’s important to remember that the left and right sides of your brain work together as a team.

Most of the time when we are learning something, we use both the left and right We do some analyzing , find rules, and focus on details, and weuse our institution and get general meanings.
Often we find the best answers to problems by using both sides of the brain.

Remember it’s important for you to know which side of the brain you usually use more, but it’s also important for you to use both side your brain depending on the situation your left and right brain are remember
of a team use both sides and your brain will stay balanced!.Examples
Left- brain thing I could do
Pay more attention
to my pronunciation of______

Right brain things I could do
Read faster and skip words that I don’t Know

Copy your lists onto post-its and stick them near the other post-it
lists you have been making.

The funny thing is we focused on the rules but could never use them when we were speaking English


In my owncase I have more developed the left brain right brain and why should I exercise to help me to keep in balance the two sides of the brain and remember that they work as a team.

For my partner she is a little different the left side of the brain but also uses more left-brain thing.

Suggestions for balancing the two brains
Brain gym exercises 


Write ovals continuous with the lefthand or the less able. Practice a lot to compare it done right as with his other hand.


Change un conscious habits that are made with the right side of body
on the left (and vice versa) and run in a conscious way, such as brushing teeth,
lifting, hair, mark objects etc.

Balance de su cerebro

De acuerdo con algunos estudios de investigación, personas que aprenden lenguasextranjeras en las aulas utilizan el hemisferio derecho del cerebro más en el comienzo que cuando en niveles avanzados.

Personas naturalmente, pueden el uso de gran angular lentes
cuando se inicio un idioma un uso lentes de zoom más cuando llegan a una mayor capacidad.

Pero muchas cursos de ingles hacen justo lo contario! que enseñan los detalles de Inglés gramática al principio mucho más tarde enel proceso, los estudiantes deben para conseguir un sentimiento para los idiomas.

Esto significa que muchos estudiantes se les enseña a aprender
Inglés al revés. Es mejor obtener generales significados con el hemisferio derecho del cerebro a principios del curso y se centran en la gramática y el vocabulario y así más adelante.

En sus Clases de Inglés que puede haber estado usando ladoizquierdo del cerebro, centrándose en los detalles en lugar de ser más relajado e infantil.

Usted puede convertirse en un mejor aprendiz mediante el uso de su
lado derecho del cerebro.

La mayoría de las veces cuando estamos aprendiendo algo, que utilizan tanto
la izquierda y derecha hacemos algo de analizar, encontrar reglas, y centrarse en los detalles, y utilizamos nuestra institución y...
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