Art analysis

Páginas: 3 (593 palabras) Publicado: 7 de marzo de 2012
Choose one work that particularly engages you. Take time to look at the work in detail; include a picture of the work. Ask yourself: "How does the piece ‘work’? What is the artist doing? Why do Ihave a particular response (such as joy, fear, curiosity)?" Your response is, to a great extent, the result of the choices the artist has made in the process of creation. You will find useful ideas forthinking and writing about works of art in the text which was required for this course in chapter 1. The following is a specific outline for this paper. Part of your grade will be determined by howwell you follow this outline. Other important aspects are thoroughness, clarity, and a demonstrated sensitivity to the work of art as shown in the rubric at the end..
1. State the title, artist,date, dimensions, and medium of the work.
2. State the name of the exhibition in which the work was displayed.
3. Introduce the reader to the work of art by writing a brief, overall description ofit.
4. Discuss the Elements of Art and Principles of Design that you think are important in understanding and analyzing this work.
5. Discuss the medium the artist used and how the artistexploited the particular qualities of this medium. Always refer to the artist by her or his last name, not the first name.
6. Explain your personal response to the work based on its form as youanalyzed it in the previous sections.
7. Include a photograph/picture of the artwork
8. Staple the pages together; make sure your name is on the paper.
The following list of the Elements of Artand the Principles of Design will help you to focus on the most important aspects of the work you are analyzing. Discuss the element or principles that seem to create the meaning of the work orcontribute to its aesthetic quality.
1. Elements of Art
o line - shape and mass - light, value, color - texture - space - time and motion
2. Principles of Design
o unity and...
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