
Páginas: 2 (455 palabras) Publicado: 6 de julio de 2015
For a long time we have heard about Atlantis, its mysteries, its advanced civilization, its social system, its large size and obviously his disappearance without trace. But the question is: DidAtlantis really exist?

The first information about the ancient kingdom come from a text of the Greek philosopher Platon in a conversation between Timaeus and Critias. These conversations say how manyyears ago the Athenians could have fought against this kingdom located beyond the borders of the Mediterranean.

This city may have been more longer than Libia and Asia together.

Also says that theymay have had many natural resources, specially a mysterious metal, the orichalcum, a mineral more valuable than the gold.

The writings also say that this city must have had unlimited forest and anamazing variety of animals, beautiful buildings and different channels for access.

Despite all the studies and speculations about this ancient civilization, nobody has been able to find traces of this.Legend says that Atlantis was a large island which could have been destroyed by an earthquake or tsunami that flooded their land completely leaving forever submerged and forgotten in the past.

Itsays there is a link between repeated disappearances of ships and aircraft in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle and the mysterious city of Atlantis may be located in that same area.

Durante muchotiempo hemos oído hablar de la Atlántida, sus misterios, su civilización avanzada, su sistema social, su gran tamaño y, obviamente, su desaparición sin dejar rastro. Pero la pregunta es: ¿Acaso existiórealmente la Atlántida?

La primera información sobre el antiguo reino vino de un texto del filósofo griego Platón en una conversación entre Timeo y Critias. Estas conversaciones dicen cómo hace muchosaños los atenienses podían haber luchado contra este reino situado más allá de las fronteras del Mediterráneo.
Esta ciudad puede haber sido más largo que Libia y Asia juntas.
También dice que ellos...
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