Aves Del Quindío

Páginas: 43 (10617 palabras) Publicado: 1 de agosto de 2012
ISSN 1809-127X (online edition) © 2011 Check List and Authors Open Access | Freely available at www.checklist.org.br


Birds, Quindío Department, Central Andes of Colombia
Enrique Arbeláez-Cortés 1, 6, 7 *, Oscar H. Marín-Gómez 1, 2, Diego Duque-Montoya 1, 3, Pedro J. Cardona-Camacho 1, Luis Miguel Renjifo 4 and Hector Fabio Gómez 3, 5
1 2 3 4 5 6


Journal of species listsand distribution




Abstract: We present an avifaunal list for the department of Quindío, Colombia. Data were compiled from our original fieldwork, museum online databases, and literature. The list includes 543 species, of which 34 are in some threatened category, 28 are Colombian endemics or semi-endemics, 44 are migrants, and 26 are new records for this region. Elevenspecies are represented only by museum vouchers from the first part of the 20th century and could be considered putatively extirpated in Quindío.

Fundación Ornitológica del Quindío. Apartado aéreo 2336. Armenia, Q, Colombia. Universidad del Quindío. Avenida Bolívar Calle 12 norte. Armenia, Q, Colombia. Corporación Autónoma Regional del Quindío (CRQ). Calle 19 norte # 19-55, Armenia, Q, Colombia.Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Departamento de Ecología y Territorio. Trasversal 4 # 42-00. Bogotá D.C., Colombia. Fundación para la Conservación de la Vida Silvestre (Fundasilvestre). Cra 18 N° 21-44, apartamento 203. Armenia, Q, Colombia. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología Evolutiva, Museo de Zoología. Código Postal 04510. México D.F.,México. 7 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Posgrado en Ciencias Biológicas. Código Postal 04510. México D.F., México. * Corresponding author. E-mail: enriquearbelaez@gmail.com

Introduction The Colombian avifauna, with around 1,870 species, is considered the richest in the world (Restall et al. 2006a), but species diversity is still unknown or poorly documented for several regions. Such is thecase of the department of Quindío. The middle region of the Central Andes of Colombia has been known as Quindío (e.g. Quindiu, Quindío pass, Quindío trail, Quindío mountains) at least ever since the 1800s (Humboldt 1814; Meyer de Schauensee 1948; Holton 1981; Painter 1997). However, this region was part of Cauca and Caldas departments until 1966 when Quindío was established as an independentgeopolitical department (Arango-Cano 1977). Scientific exploration of Quindío began in the 19th century (e.g. Humboldt 1814). The early scientific expeditions focusing on documenting and collecting birds were carried out in Quindío’s northeastern section by A. A. Allen and L. E. Miller in 1911 and later by K. von Sneidern in 1938 and 1942 (Chapman 1912; 1917; Meyer de Schauensee 1948; Paynter 1997).These collections yielded specimens that resulted in the descriptions of at least 13 new taxa (Chapman 1912; 1914b; 1923; 1925; Meyer de Schauensee 1951), some of which are Colombian Andean endemic species. Very few publications concerning the Quindío avifauna exist, with some of them dealing with taxonomic diagnosis, ecological issues, and range extensions (e.g. Chapman 1912; Renjifo 1999; Marín2005; Duque 2005; Arbeláez-Cortés and Baena-Tovar 2006). Despite this, a bird checklist of the region still does not exist. Here we present a list of the bird species found in Quindío, based on our field observations and on public information. Materials and Methods Study site Quindío is located on the western slope of the Colombian Central Andes between 75°52’ W and 75°24’
Check List | Volume 7 |Issue 3 | 2011

W, and between 4°04’ N and 4°44’ N (Figure 1), and is the smallest continental department of Colombia (196,183 ha). It is characterized by steep topography, including elevations from 950 m at Río La Vieja in Quimbaya and La Tebaida to 4,750 m at Paramillo del Quindío in Salento. The annual median temperature and precipitation vary locally from 5 to 24 °C and from 1,500 to...
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