Ayuda Evaluaion Final De Ingles

Páginas: 4 (984 palabras) Publicado: 7 de julio de 2012
LECTURA TIPO CLOZE (Completar espacios en blanco)
La siguiente es una lectura tipo Cloze. En la prueba nacional, encontrará fragmentos de la misma,
en los que deberá escoger laopción correcta para completar los espacios en blanco.

When Cortes ____(21)_____ the Aztec
Empire, he __(22)__ realize that their country
was very advanced. They had made many
discoveries in scienceand technology.
Some of the most amazing Aztec
discoveries in science were in astronomy. For
many centuries, they had studied the sky at night
and noticed the way the stars and planets
___(23)__.Using this information, they made a
stone calendar, which took them fifty-two years to
build. The calendar was three feet thick and twelve feet across, and weig hed about
twenty-four tons. They___(24)___ it to record time and to predict the motion of the
stars and planets.
The Aztecs also made scientific advances in the area of medicine. The
Aztecs ___(25)___ much more about how to useplants as medicine than the
Europeans did. They did many experiments to find out the effects of different kinds
of plants, and parents passed this information to their children. Some of the
medicinesthat they ____(26)___ are still used today.
Most Aztecs were farmers, and they discovered many new methods for
___(27)___ food. The Aztecs' land was dry and not very good for ____(28)____,
so theytried different ways to grow more food. They built canals to bring water to
their fields and made terraces (flat places) on the sides of mount ains to get more
land. They didn't have animals to helpthem, so this work was very hard.
The main food of the Aztecs was corn, which they ___(29)___every day, at
every meal. But they also grew many other kinds of plants, like beans, peppers,
andtomatoes, and developed many kinds of each plant. These plants were not
known in Europe at the time, and when the Spanish brought them back, they
____(30)____ very popular. And scientists have found...
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