Asignatura: Ingles Gastronómico II
Docente: Lic. Cesar Chicchón
- 1big hen chopped into pieces.
- 1 kg White potato
- 1 big yellow potato
- 1 chopped onion
- 1/2 tbsp of garlic
- 200ml of oil
- 3 L of water
- salt a/n
- 30 gr of orégano
- 30gr ofparsley
-30gr of mint
1. Wash and season the chicken cuted into quarters, season with salt and pepper. Then seal it in a frying pan with oil. Reserve.
2. Boil chicken with celery andsalt, when is cooked; throw potatoes cut into four, but like slices.
3. Besides in a saucepan fry in oil, stick, mirasol pepper, garlic, oregano, until they are cooked, then add the onion, untilbrown.
4. Season with salt, add the green pepper strips and fry.
5. By serving on each plate gets 4 pieces of potato, a dam and a ladle of chicken broth above the fried hen dam.
- 2 tbsp chopped chincho
- 1 tbsp chopped paico
- 1 tbsp chopped muña
- 1 cup chichi de jora
- 5 kg shoulder of pork into pieces
- 5 kg chicken pieces
- 2 guinea pigs into 8 wedgeseach
- 20 potatoes Canchan
- 20 sweet potatoes
- 20 bananas
- 1.2 kg cheese chopped
- 20 sweet tamales
- 5 corn into 4 pieces each
- 2 kg green beans with pods
- 2 stalks marmaquilla
- 10banana leaves
- 10 yellow peppers without seeds neither veins
- 1 chopped onion
- 2 garlic
- 4 tbsp oil
- Cumin, salt and pepper
1.Blend herbs with chicha jora. Pour into a bowl andadd meats.
2. Season with cumin, salt and pepper, and marinate overnight in the refrigerator. Besides, dig a hole of 40 cm in diameter in the ground.
3. Cover the bottom and sides of the hole withlarge flat stones, previously washed and heated in the coals, at least for an hour and a half.
4. Put over potatoes, sweet potatoes and bananas. Cover with more hot stones .on them place all the...
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