
Páginas: 18 (4449 palabras) Publicado: 20 de marzo de 2012
Arch Med Vet 43, 191-197 (2011) COMUNICACIÓN

Eficacia de las medidas de bioseguridad en el control de microorganismos asociados a endometritis porcinas. Estudio preliminar
Efficacy of biosecurity measures in the control of microorganisms associated to endometritis in sows. Preliminary study
JC Gómez, B Huerta, I Luque, A Maldonado, RJ Astorga, C Tarradas*
Departamento de Sanidad Animal,Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba, España.

SUMMARY Biosecurity can be defined as all the applied measurements that take as a target to minimize the sanitary risks in a stock farm, and include measurements related to the facilities and the management. The efficacy of these measurements must be reflected in a decrease of the microorganism in different productive phases. Astudy was carried out to evaluate if the set of applied measurements influences the microbial uterine contamination after farrowing of healthy sows. Two swine farms were been completed about biosecurity measurements was completed and a microbiological study of uterine swabs of sows after the farrowing was carried out. A total of 60 animals were studied, and 27 (45%, 95% CI [33.3%, 56.7%]) resultedpositive. Significant differences between production and selection and multiplication farms were detected (OR = 3.44, IC 95%, 1.135-11.047). The colonization frequency was 65% CI [51.3%, 78.6%] and 35% CI [21%, 49%] in production and selection farm, respectively (P = 0.02). A total of 66 isolates were obtained, represented mainly by Staphylococcus spp. (33.33%) and Aerococcus spp. (27.27%), althoughother species included in the genus Streptococcus (9.09%), Enterococcus (6.06%) and Pseudomonas (4.55%), as well as different fungi species were also isolated. The frequency of isolation of different microorganisms was similar in both farms, with the exception of the genus Enterococcus that was not isolated in the production farm (P = 0.01). The questionnaire showed some differences in biosecuritymeasures in the selection and multiplication farm when it is compared to the production farm, which together with the increased uterine microbial contamination observed in the latter leads us to propose a preliminary hypothesis about the possible risk factors associated with this process, highlighting the absence of measures to avoid the presence of vectors and the establishment of strictprotocols for cleaning and disinfection. Palabras clave: bioseguridad, endometritis, cerdas. Key words: biosecurity, endometritis, sow.

INTRODUCCIÓN El concepto de bioseguridad hace referencia al mantenimiento de granjas con una carga mínima de microorganismos que no interfiera en la obtención de una máxima rentabilidad ganadera. Podemos pues definir la bioseguridad en este contexto como el conjuntode medidas encaminadas a reducir la entrada y diseminación de agentes patógenos, y sus vectores, en las granjas (Quiles 2008). La endometritis se puede definir como la inflamación del endometrio, y en muchas ocasiones está producida por microorganismos saprofíticos, cuya presentación está ligada al manejo, condiciones higiénicas y sanitarias de las explotaciones (Quiles y Hevia 2006). Un cuadro deendometritis se puede desarrollar tras finalizar el parto, cuando los microorganismos penetran en el útero a través del cérvix abierto y no son eliminados por la inmunidad local de la hembra (Rodríguez y col 1989a,b). Los microorganismos asociados a las endometritis porcinas son muy variados, tanto de etiología fúngica como bacteriana, y están representados principalmente por los grupos deenterobacterias,
Aceptado: 20.10.2010. * Campus Universitario de Rabanales, 14071 Córdoba, España;

estreptococos, estafilococos y corinebacterias (Rodríguez y col 1989a,b, Bara y col 1993, Falceto y Úbeda 2008). Las medidas de bioseguridad en las granjas porcinas deben aplicarse de forma preventiva para evitar la entrada de agentes patógenos que puedan afectar a la sanidad,...
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