Breathing for musicians

Páginas: 16 (3826 palabras) Publicado: 26 de abril de 2010



Description and Operation of the Respiratory System.

Types of Respiration.

Formation of the air column and its control in the general technique of the instrument.

Additional Exercises.

Circular Breathing.

How sports can help with a person health.

How to teach abeginner to breath properly

How can affect asthma to a wind instrument player?
1. Introduction
In this paper we deal with description and analysis of the functioning of the respiratory system, applied to the musical performance of wind instruments. The knowledge of this is of great importance to the musician, as is the mechanism for providing air storage andsubsequent exhalation to a certain pressure. This air is the raw material that becomes sound by vibrating the lips (in brass instruments) by the action of a single reed or double (in some wood-wind instruments) or the effect of own vibration of air in the embochure of bezel instruments (like flute).
The development of respiration and its application in music performance from the wind instruments,needs of a particular practice, it is not enough the breathing we use to maintain our vital signs. In fact, breathing must be adapted to the work done by the body; weightlifting requires a type of breathing, swimming another, to play an instrument different way to control the air.
The quality and quantity of our breath, have a decisive influence on the level of our performance technique. Those whoplay a wind instrument, we need the air as a perfect medium of music we play and we must study the control of respiration in all its concepts, developing their potential maximum.

2. Description and Operation of the Respiratory System.
In the breathing mechanism mainly involves the mouth, trachea, bronchi, lungs, diaphragm and abdominal muscles. Inspiration can be donethrough the nose or mouth. In the case of wind instruments is recommended the second because the volume is much larger and provides greater raw material to get the sound, leaving the nasal inspiration relegated to some technical exercises or as a resource very specific in certain musical passages. However it’s important to say that when we take a deep breath through the mouth we breathe in, alsothrough the nose. Once the air passes through the throat, passes through the windpipe (sort of long tube that branches into two at the entrance to the lungs) and fulls the lung cavities through the bronchi and bronchioles, with subsequent enlargement.
The lungs are two spongy mass essentially extensible and are contained in the ribcage. The real contribution of atmospheric oxygen into the bloodtakes place in the pulmonary alveoli, which form the spongy lung tissue.
The diaphragm is a broad transverse muscle that separates the chest from the abdominal cavity, it means the respiratory organs of the digestive ones. Is dome-shaped or looks like an opened umbrella.
The diaphragm is pierced by holes that serve as a passage to the esophagus, vena cava, the aorta and the lymphatic channel.The center of the dome lends support to the muscle fibers to the heart, normally reaching the level of the sixth rib, which shows you how a real plunger located in the middle of the ribcage.
When performing a deep breath, the diaphragm goes down to make room for the lungs that are dilated. Its decline will be greater as breathing more deeply as we shall see later. During expiration orexpulsion of air, diaphragmatic muscle returns to its natural state occur inversely to the inspiration, that is pressing on the bottom of the lungs and contribute thereby to flush them. The role of the diaphragm is the piston which moves the air of breath, but also works in a very active in the circulatory and digestive processes.
Other elements are also involved in the respiratory process, though in...
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