Páginas: 6 (1443 palabras) Publicado: 21 de junio de 2015
The community development achieved through working with the community and this is of consciously and social responsibility of all its members, from the beginning of the process of identifying needs to implementation of actions in response to the solution problems encountered with the sole purpose of achieving democratic, harmonious and comprehensive andsustainable development over time, the following manifest:
• Must be within the same community.
• Must be comprehensive, taking into account their needs.
• Accepted and driven by the community
• Sustainable over time.
• Continuous and systematic.

El desarrollo de la comunidad logrado a través del trabajo con la comunidad y para que este se dé en forma conscientey con responsabilidad social de todos sus integrantes, desde el inicio del proceso de identificación de necesidades hasta la implementación de acciones en respuesta a la solución de los problemas encontrados, con el único fin de lograr un desarrollo democrático, armónico e integral y sostenible en el tiempo, se manifiestan las siguientes características:
•       Debe darse dentro de la mismacomunidad.
•       Debe ser integral teniendo en cuenta sus necesidades.
•       Aceptado y conducido por la misma comunidad.
•       Sostenible en el tiempo.
•       Continuo y sistemático.

haracter Development 
OCDSB > About OCDSB > Safe Schools > Character Development

“It’s about all of us.”
Welcome to the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board - “A Community of Character.” Here in the OCDSB we arecommitted to providing learning and working environments where all individuals feel safe, valued, respected, and welcome.  

A safe and caring learning community is one that takes a holistic approach to learning and academic achievement through the infusion of character education and opportunities for character development, respect for diversity, parent and community partnerships, and citizenshipdevelopment. The fundamental building blocks to a safe and caring school community are the relationships and partnerships between administrators, staff, parents, students and the community. It is through these relationships and partnerships that all individuals in the school community have the opportunity to practice and model to one another the character attributes that are at the foundation ofour board operations.

The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board’s "A Community of Character" is a set of attributes that were discussed and chosen by a myriad of stakeholders. These ten attributes were selected as they were the ones deemed to be of most importance to the OCDSB and have now been built into our Board Code of Conduct Policy. It is important to acknowledge that these attributes havebeen selected however; the Character Committee recognizes that this list is in no way exhaustive. 
The purpose of these attributes is to provide a standard of behaviour against which all individuals in the OCDSB hold themselves accountable.  These attributes are what will bind us together and permeate all that we do.  We believe they are the foundation for excellence and equity in education andare the cornerstone of our vision for our school communities.  In conjunction with our mission statement, “Educating for Success – 
 Learning and Building Citizenship,” our character attributes are the stepping stones to building our community of character. 

El desarrollo de la comunidad logra mediante el trabajo con la comunidad y estoes de manera consciente y la responsabilidad social de todos sus miembros, desde el inicio del proceso de identificación de necesidades para la implementación de acciones en respuesta a los problemas de soluciones encontradas con el único propósito de lograr democrática, desarrollo armónico e integral y sostenible en el tiempo, el siguiente manifiesto:
• Debe estar en la misma comunidad.
• Debe...
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