Climate Change And Masculinities

Páginas: 17 (4021 palabras) Publicado: 26 de febrero de 2013
"Masculinities Integral Approach and Climate change:
lessons learned from the Equinox project in Central America"

Larry José Madrigal.

Masculinities Program, Centro Bartolomé de las Casas
El Salvador, Centro América.

Masculinities Integral Approach and Climate change:
lessons learned from the Equinox project inCentral America.


The Equinox (“Equinoccio” project) in El Salvador, Central America works with low-income men, both adult and youth, using the integral approach in masculinities—theoretical framework inspired by American philosopher Ken Wilber—that develops innovative methodologies for gender analysis. This approach makes it possible to question the hegemonic modelof masculinities, revealing the complexity of men's differentiated responsibility in issues such as violence and climate change, as well as identifying non-violent and nature-caring masculine socialization alternatives in a changing world. The use of the integral masculinities approach, along with other disciplines applied to community development in poor countries, can be a valuable tool for thecreation of a gradual conscience that makes possible the personal involvement of males in favor of equity and a platform for the introduction of local-level actions in human security and climate change.

“If, as men, we have more resources, is men's carbon footprint larger than that of women? Perhaps that is the reason we always draw the hegemonic model of masculinities with very largefeet and hands.” (Image 1). This comment may seem naive or simply anecdotal, but it was made by Eduardo, a 14 year old boy who lives in the community of Apulo, on the banks of Lake Ilopango, on the outskirts of the chaotic urban city of San Salvador, El Salvador, in Central America. Eduardo is participating in the Equinox project's workshops for sensibilization in masculinities, a platform fortraining, research and incidence that seeks to raise gender conscience among males, young and adult, in the Central American area, through the promotion of gender sensitive, affirmative actions.

Eduardo's reflexive question has a troubling response, if we know how to interpret it integrally from a gender perspective. Many people would wonder whether it is worthwhile to talk about masculinities andclimate change, because the two fields of research are so complicated and apparently share little background aside from understanding and action, they could generate more confusion because climate change affects women and men equally.

However, if the study of masculinities is taken on from an integral approach to development (Hochachka, 2005), we quickly realize that not only is there a closerelation between masculinities and climate change, but it is urgent to link them in academic and political reflection in our efforts to mitigate climate change, above all, our vision of human security in a world that is changing rapidly and incontrolably, particularly for those who, as I do myself, live in vulnerable countries where we hardly hear talk of these changes and the adaptation that isrequired of us.

Ian McEwan (Barros, 2005) says that it has been good science and not good intentions that has detected the problem with the ozone layer and lead quickly to good policy, also warning: “It would be self-defeating, if the environmental movement degenerated into a religion of gloomy faith (Faith, ungrounded certainty, is no virtue).” However, the question and brief assertion shows usthat this “good science” and “good policy” has depended on concrete men with culture, identity, prejudices and practices configurated by the socialization of gender.

Besides, we need a great dose of faith, certainly well-founded faith, about what we can and must do, perfectly conscious that the policies and sensitization of the general public exceed scientific certitudes and instruments and...
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