Cold War Archives

Páginas: 3 (565 palabras) Publicado: 17 de febrero de 2013
The Cold War
1. The Truman Doctrine
February 21st, 1947. The British embassy informed the U.S. government about the situation in Turkey and Greece and that their government could not give themfinancial aids any more. Both countries were under communist pressure. So it became U.S.’s responsibility to give support to Turkey and Greece. The undersecretary of state Dean Acheson declared thatleaving Turkey and Greece without support would cause a domino effect, letting communism to spread easily trough Middle East and India. Under this menace, President Truman declared that “It must be thepolicy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures” and decided to give Turkey and Greece a $400 million aid.2. The Marshall Plan
1945. The war had ended. Europe is destroyed. Every power nation is in crisis; the only one who isn’t is the U.S. 1947. Aids had been given to Turkey and Greece. President Trumansend George Marshall to evaluate the European situation, U.S. government decided that they need to help Europe to be rebuilt. Marshall, George Kennan, William Clayton and others designed the MarshallPlan, officially known as the European Recovery Plan (ERP), which was conceived to help Europe; sixteen nations receive $13 billion in aid, with which U.S. send staples, fuel, machinery and later,industrial investment.
April 4th, 1949. After long discussions, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was signed. Three aspects were the target of this organization: deterring the sovietexpansionism, inhibit the national socialist revival and encouraging European political integration. This Organization joins, as its name specifies, almost every nation on the north Atlantic part of theworld, in which they are: Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, and the United Kingdom. Then, it will have more nations joined.
4. The Long Telegram
1947. George Kennan, former U.S....
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