
Páginas: 4 (976 palabras) Publicado: 12 de noviembre de 2012

We always hear about healthy eating and what our diet should be. This picture will help you understand what our daily/weekly diet should look like. It’s a good idea to try toget this balance right every day, but you don’t need to do it at every meal.
Every ingredients has its nutrient properties, all of which are very important for our body. From the Starch (the mostcommon form of carbohydrate in our diet) in the bread to the Omega3 in the fish.
It is easy to eat too much food. Large bags of chips, huge restaurant portions and king-sized candybars are everywhere. The Mayo Clinic recommends monitoring your portions and paying attention to serving sizes of the foods you eat to lose weight. It may not seem like eating a smaller bagel will makea difference in your weight loss process, but when you eat fewer calories than you need, you can lose weight.
The average portion size of many foods we eat has changed dramatically over theyears. Twenty years ago the average size of a cup of coffee with milk and sugar was 8 oz. and contained 45 calories. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, a mocha coffee, withwhole milk and syrup today is 16 oz. and contains about 350 calories. Restaurant meals, muffins, bagels, cookies and many other foods we eat have also increased in size.
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Eating the right portion sizes has a strong effect on your weight losssuccess. A study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association in 2006 and led by Barbara J. Rolls, Ph.D., found that when the participants ate large portion sizes they ingested morecalories and gained weight. But if you control your food portions throughout your day, you can more easily manage your weight.
When you are trying to lose weight, you must eat less food than...
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