Conceptual Business Cas

Páginas: 16 (3964 palabras) Publicado: 27 de enero de 2013
[Department Name] | [Department Address] |

Business Case
[Project Name]


“Business Case Usage Guidelines” have been developed to accompany this template.

| Table of Contents |
| |

Executive Summary 2
Background 3
Problem / Opportunity 3
Current Situation 3
Project Description 4
Project Description 4
Objectives 4
Scope 4
Out of Scope 4
AnticipatedOutcomes 4
Stakeholders 5
Strategic Alignment 6
Environment Analysis 7
Alternatives 8
Business & Operational Impacts 9
Project Risk Assessment 10
Risk of Project and each Alternative (Not including Status Quo) 10
Risk of Not Proceeding with Project (Status Quo) 11
Cost/Benefit Analysis 12
Quantitative Analysis – Financial Cost & Benefit: 12
Qualitative Analysis – Non-FinancialBenefits & Costs: 14
Assumptions 14
Conclusions & Recommendations 15
Conclusions 15
Recommendations 15
Project Responsibility 15
Project Accountability 15
Implementation Strategy 16
Review & Approval Process 17
Review Process 17
Approval Process 17
Business Case Signoff 17

Section | Executive Summary |
1 | |
[Project Name]

Purpose of an Executive Summary:

Thereason for writing an Executive Summary is to provide a concise summary of the key highlights of the business case. The reader should be able to understand what the project is about, the role of the project in the department’s business plan/direction, and the business justification of the project. The reader should understand how the project improves the overall efficiency and/or effectiveness ofthe government.


While the Executive Summary appears at the beginning of a business case, it is written last.

The Executive Summary will describe the objective of the project, the current state of the problem and the resulting opportunity. It outlines the scope of the project in general terms, and briefly describes the competitive environment i.e., what other governmentjurisdictions and/or corporations are doing. The Executive Summary also provides a brief description of the business impact, and the risks of undertaking the project. Finally, it concludes with recommendations and the financial impact of the project. This summary should also be written with the media in mind as this is often the only part of a report that the media read. The Executive Summary isalso often used to prepare a press release.

The summary should be a maximum of 2 pages in length.

Checklist for Executive Summary:

1. Will the reader get a clear understanding of the reasons for the project and its outcome by outlining the “Why, What, When, Who, and How” of the project?
2. Does it contain any information that is not contained in the body of the business case?(should not)
3. Is the Executive Summary less than 2 pages?
4. Can the Executive Summary be treated as a stand-alone document?

Section | Background |
2 | |
[Project Name]

Purpose of the Background Section:

The reason for writing the Background Section is to provide the reader with an introduction to the subject of the business case. This section describes the historyand current state of affairs giving rise to or relating to the general business problem or opportunity that is the subject of the business case.

Problem / Opportunity

Provide a brief description of the business problem or opportunity that the project is trying to address.
Examples of general business problems are:
* Not meeting service level expectations
*Escalating service costs
* Change in business requirements
* Change in Legislation

Current Situation

This section provides a synopsis of what is happening currently within the ministry, if applicable, what has led to the current situation, and what is likely to happen if the current situation is maintained. The current situation can be defined in terms of relevant legislative...
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