
Páginas: 8 (1845 palabras) Publicado: 22 de octubre de 2012
The Beatles
The Beatles started career together at the beginning of the sixties. Originally, they included different musicians, but John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr were the group that became famous.
They marked the history of rock and roll. Originally from Liverpool, they had their first hit in 1963:”Love Me Do”.
Their first album, called “Please, Please Me”, inthe chards for weeks. It contained very popular songs which are still played today. Lennon and McCartney wrote mort of the songs.
Many people have recorded them in other styles and with other voices. They appeared pop/rock, folk-rock, psychedelic and several others. Their first important appearances on American T.V. were the Ed Sullivan show.
These finally launched them in the U.S. They recordedmany albums during their career as a group and had many songs in the British and American charts.

The Beatles
Los Beatles comenzaron su carrera juntos en el comienzo de los años sesenta. Originalmente, se incluyeron diferentes músicos, pero John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison y Ringo Starr fue el grupo que se hizo famoso.
Ellos marcaron la historia del rock and roll. Originaria deLiverpool, que tuvo su primer éxito en 1963: "Love Me Do".
Su primer álbum, llamado "Por favor, Please Me", en las acelgas durante semanas. Contenía canciones muy populares que todavía se juega hoy. Lennon y McCartney escribió mort de las canciones.
Muchas personas se han registrado en otros estilos y con otras voces. Aparecieron de pop / rock, folk-rock, psicodélico y varios otros. Sus primerasapariciones importantes en la televisión estadounidense eran el show de Ed Sullivan.
Estos finalmente lanzado en los EE.UU. Se registran muchos álbumes durante su carrera como grupo y tenía muchas canciones en las listas británicas y estadounidenses

The father of the relativity
Albert Einstein (14-03-1879/08-04-1955)
Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany. He was from Jewish ancestry.Einstein was an average student, but he had exceptional abilities in physics and math.
When he was 10, he joined the Luitpold institute of Munich. He took violin classes. His interest in this instrument lasted all his life.
In 1896 he was registered in the polytechnic institute of Zurich. In 1901 he published his first work on the “Phenomenon of Capillarity”.
In 1907 Einstein developed hisfundamental relationship between mass and energy, his famous equation:
In 1921 he how the Nobel prize in physics. In the winter of 1933 Einstein joined he institute of advance study in Princeton, New Jersey. He became a United States citizen in 1940. He died in Princeton.

Albert Einstein (14-03-1879/08-04-1955) Albert Einstein nació en Ulm, Alemania. Él era deascendencia judía. Einstein era un estudiante promedio, pero él tenía habilidades excepcionales en la física y las matemáticas.
Cuando tenía 10 años, ingresó en el Instituto Luitpold de Munich. Tomó clases de violín. Su interés por este instrumento se prolongó durante toda su vida.
En 1896 se inscribió en el Instituto Politécnico de Zurich. En 1901 publicó su primer trabajo sobre el "fenómeno de lacapilaridad".
En 1907, Einstein desarrolló su relación fundamental entre la masa y la energía, su famosa ecuación:

En 1921 se forma el premio Nobel de Física. En el invierno de 1933 Einstein se unió a él instituto de estudio de avance en Princeton, Nueva Jersey. Se convirtió en ciudadano de los Estados Unidos en 1940. Murió en Princeton.

Frida Kahlo
Was born in Mexico City on July6th,1907. Hear was not Mexican, he was German. He came to Mexico in 1891 when he was very young and worked as an architect and a photographer.
In Mexico City, he married Maria Luisa and Margarita. In 1898, Guillermo Kahlo married Calderon.
They had four daughters. Frida was the third one. She was a very intelligent, creative and brave woman intelligent.
In 1925, she had a terrible accident...
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