Descripcion De La Casa Rosada En Ingles

Páginas: 4 (922 palabras) Publicado: 21 de noviembre de 2012
Blue Hall
Here we are on the Argentinian Painters and paintings of the Bicentennial Hall.
As you can see on the walls are paintings of important artists from Argentina.
On the walls and on theceiling we can see the colors of the Argentinian flag, blue, white and gold.
The Pink House is the seat of the executive.
This was the old entrance to the government building, which leads to the ColónPark.
In Colón Park we can find the remains of the customs house taylor, the bicentennial museum and monument to Cristobal Colón,that was a gift from Italy to Argentina for the centenary of the MayRevolution.
To talk about the history of this house, we must go back to the year 1580 when Juan de Garay founded the city of Buenos Aires.
The city was founded around a central square, that nowit's the May square. According to Indian laws, any Spanish city, should have a central square and around important buildings such as the town hall, the church, and the fort. This fort was called SanJuan Baltazar of Austria.
In 1855, part of the fort was demolished to create new custom.
In the space left over from the demolition of the fort, was created in 1873 by order of President DomingoFaustino Sarmiento, the post office building of French academic style, is the south wing of the building that faces the street Hipolito Yrigoyen and was the work of a Swedish architect named Carloskilhberg.
On the north side of the building that faces the street Rivadavia in 1882 , the president Julio Argentino Roca, order to construct the new government house, with Italian neo-Renaissance style, wasthe work of another swedish architect named Enrique Aberg the same design the mausoleum of St. Martin in the metropolitan cathedral.
These two buildings were separated by a street, which was wheretoday is the central arch by which you have entered today, this arch was made by an Italian architect called franchesco Tamburini and was one of the architects who designed the theater colon.
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