deserción escolar

Páginas: 31 (7708 palabras) Publicado: 21 de junio de 2013


Dislexia del desarrollo
A.M. Galaburda, L. Cestnick
Summary. Developmental dyslexia makes up an important proportion of the known learning disorders. Until the late 1970s most
research on dyslexia was carried out by educators and educational psychologists, but soon after the publication of some dyslexiccases with focal disorders of neuronal migration to the cerebral cortex, interest in the neurobiological and neurocognitive
underpinnings of dyslexia grew, especially in Europe and North America. There are at least two types of developmental dyslexia
–phonological and surface. Surface dyslexia refers to a disorder in which the difficulty lies in reading irregular words, whereas
phonologicaldyslexia is characterized by difficulty with pseudowords. Phonological dyslexia is the more common of the two types.
Surface dyslexia does not present a major problem in a language such as Spanish, where the number of irregular words is indeed
very small. Still, in languages such as English, where irregular words are common, the phonological type of developmental
dyslexia is much more common.Phonologic dyslexics have problems with phonological awareness, that is, the conscious
knowledge and manipulation of speech sounds, which is the most proximate explanation for their difficulty in reading pseudowords.
Many, but not all, phonologic dyslexics also have problems processing rapidly changing sounds, even if not linguistic, and some
slow sounds, too. The same group tends to have visualproblems, especially involving the so-called magnocellular pathway of
the visual system, which, among others, has the role of analyzing movement. Accompanying these perceptual and cognitive
deficits, phonologic dyslexics also show abnormal brain activation to phonological tasks, as shown in functional magnetic
resonance studies (figure). In addition, dyslexic brains show focal malformations, ectopiasand microgyria, of the cerebral cortex,
involving mainly the left perisylvian region and the word form area in the temporo-occipital junction. There are also changes in
the composition of neurons in the lateral and medial geniculate nuclei of the thalamus. Experimental studies indicate that the
thalamic changes are a consequence of the focal malformations, and that they are responsible for thesound processing deficits.
None of these discoveries have changed the therapeutic modalities in this condition, but it is hoped that this will be the next area
of progress. [REV NEUROL 2003; 36 (Supl 1): S3-9]
Key words. Developmental dyslexia. Learning disorders. Magnocellular visual pathway. Phonological dyslexia. Surface dyslexia.

La dislexia del desarrollo (DDD) es untrastorno del lenguaje que
afecta principalmente la habilidad de leer y escribir [88], a pesar
de que también afecta a otros aspectos del lenguaje. La dislexia
es quizás el trastorno del aprendizaje mejor conocido de todos,
tanto por el público general como por los médicos. Los niños que
sufren dislexia tienen problemas en el ritmo y velocidad del aprendizaje del lenguaje escrito, así comotambién en la adquisición de
un nivel adecuado de desempeño. La dislexia se nota por primera
vez cuando el niño ingresa en el jardín de infancia o en el primer
año de la escuela primaria, o cuando por primera vez se encuentra
frente al desafío de la lectoescritura. En un porcentaje de casos,
el problema se manifiesta a los 2-3 años, cuando el niño disléxico
también puede demostrar una lentitud ouna anomalía en el desarrollo del lenguaje verbal. Tales trastornos consisten en un retardo
de la adquisición de la palabra, o en dificultades de la pronunciación. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de los casos no existen rasgos
anticipatorios, y la única amenaza se deriva desde el conocimiento de que hay otros miembros de la familia que se han diagnosticado de disléxicos, hecho por sí mismo que...
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