Deuteromycota (en ingles)

Páginas: 2 (277 palabras) Publicado: 6 de junio de 2011

The division Deuteromycota is also called the Fungi Imperfecti or Imperfect Fungi referring to our "imperfect" knowledge of their complete life cycles. TheDeuteromycota are characterized by production of septate mycelium and/or yeasts, and a sexual life cycle that is either unknown or absent. Asexual reproduction is by means ofconidia (sing.=conidium) or may be lacking. A conidium may be defined as an asexual spore that is not produced in a sporangium. Where sexual reproduction has been determined forspecies in this taxon, the sexual stage is usually referrable to the Ascomycota or Basidiomycota. Ideally, once the sexual stage has been determined, that species should bereclassified and placed in the appropriate subdivision. However, this did not prove to be practical since many species are known best by their asexual stage. Thus, a compromise was reachedand both the asexual and sexual stage are recognized. As previously discussed in the Ascomycota, when both sexual and asexual stages are known to occur in a life cycle, they arereferred to as telomorph and anamorph, respectively. There are a number of different classification schemes for this group of fungi. However, keep in mind that since we are notworking with sexual stages here that the classification schemes used to classify the Deuteromycota is artificial and is not intended to show relationship between the taxa. We willrecognize a single class: Deuteromycetes and four orders:

Order: Moniliales
Conidia and conidiophore produced on mycelium

Order: Sphaeropsidales
Conidia andconidiophore produced in pycnidia (sing.=pycnidium): A fruiting body of variable shape and size, e.g., globose, flask-shaped, disk-shaped, etc., in which conidia and conidiophore are borne.
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