Dibujos De Edificios (Pdf)

Páginas: 167 (41645 palabras) Publicado: 28 de abril de 2012
en el Museo de Historia de Madrid

ArquitecturA MAdrileñA
de los siglos xvii y xviii


en el Museo de Historia de Madrid

ArquitecturA MAdrileñA de los siglos xvii y xviii


Arquitectura madrileña de los siglos xvii y xviii


en el Museo de Historia de Madrid

José Álvarez  Teodoro Ardemans  Pedro Arnal  Vicente Barcenilla  Francisco Bruno Díaz Francisco Esteban  Juan Gómez de Mora  Mateo Guill  Antonio López Aguado  Manuel de Molina  Domingo de Oleaga  Manuel del Olmo  Filippo Palotta  Silvestre Pérez  Pedro de Ribera  Francisco Rivas  Ventura Rodríguez  Francisco Sabatini  Giovanni Battista Sacchetti  Manuel Serrano  Pedro Saturnino de Velasco  Juan de Villanueva  José de Villarreal

ArquitecturA MAdrileñA de lossiglos xvii y xviii


en el Museo de Historia de Madrid

ArquitecturA MAdrileñA
de los siglos xvii y xviii

Alberto ruiz GAllArdón
Alcalde de Madrid

AliciA Moreno
Delegada del Área de Gobierno de las Artes

cArlos bAztán
Coordinador General de las Artes

JuAn José echeverríA
Coordinador General de Infraestructuras Culturales

belén MArtínez díAz
Directora Generalde Archivos, Museos y Bibliotecas

cArMen herrero
Jefa del Departamento de Museos y Colecciones

cArMen PrieGo
Directora del Museo de Historia de Madrid

AliciA Moreno
Director of the Arts Department, Madrid City Council

This catalogue marks the start of the publication of the Museo de Historia’s collection of drawings, a significant series comprised of over four thousand items ofgreat artistic value spanning four hundred years of Madrid’s history. This lengthy period of far-reaching importance reflects not only the evolution of the “Town and Court” in terms of architecture and urban planning—at times realised, at times dreamed—but also the changing appearance of its landscape and the most prominent historical and social events. Drawings, in their different forms, areundoubtedly the chief testimony of a work of art and provide the best insight into an artist’s creative process. This explains their fascination and intense aesthetic appeal. Dibujos de arquitectura de los siglos xvii y xviii contains outstanding examples signed by architects and artists who played a prominent role in the history of Spanish art, such as Gómez de Mora, Ardemans, Ventura Rodríguez and Juande Villanueva. They all made illustration an indispensable artistic tool for their oeuvre as a whole. The origins of this collection can be traced back to the establishment of the Museo Municipal—now the Museo de Historia—and some of its most significant exhibits, some of which were gifts, date precisely from that period. Thanks to these initial contributions the collection gained substance andhas not ceased to be enriched over time. The Arts department currently continues to promote the acquisition of works, including an important set belonging to the field of 20th-century graphic illustration. The publication of this catalogue stems from two aims: to disseminate significant artistic holdings on paper whose fragility does not allow them to be exhibited for a lengthy period, and topresent scholars with an up-to-date and accurate reference work providing a better insight into Madrid’s history and urban landscape. In short, this project, as thought-provoking as it is timely, marks a further step forward in understanding our valuable historical and artistic heritage, with the ongoing commitment to increase it and ensure its safekeeping for the future.

AliciA Moreno
Delegadadel Área de Gobierno de las Artes

Con este catálogo, iniciamos la publicación de la colección de dibujos del Museo de Historia, una significativa serie compuesta por más de cuatro mil ejemplares de gran valor artístico, que recorre cuatrocientos años de historia de Madrid. Un extenso y trascendental periodo que refleja no sólo la evolución arquitectónica y urbanística de la Villa y Corte –a...
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