Dinosaurs Extintion

Páginas: 4 (833 palabras) Publicado: 6 de junio de 2012

Nicolás Samander
6 grade alpha

The aim of this essay is to find out how did dinosaurs became extinct. There are lots of theories and I amgoing to develop the most accepted theory of an asteroid collision and a new theory that has appear telling that a toxin-producing algae was the reason of the dinosaurs extinction.

This essay isinteresting for me because it made me think about the possible causes of contamination, pollution and global warming, for example killing species, and that we have a big responsibility in taking careof the planet or we can suffer the consequences that can be another massive extinction.

The Asteroid impact Theory

The asteroid Theory was brought in 1980 by Walter Alvarez and his colleagues,they discovered that iridium levels of the intermediate rock stratum of Cretaceous period around the world where very high, hundreds of times higher than normally. The high level of Iridium isnormally founded in Asteroids and another extraterrestrial objects, so they link this to an Asteroid impact. [1]

Later in 1990 a big Tsunami in Haiti drag iridium residue and geologists founded acrater in Chicxulub in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, of approximately 180 km where a bolide 5 to 15 kilometers wide hit the earth.

In 2007 researchers led by William Bottke used computers to identifyhow the Chicxulub crater was made. They identify an asteroid name Baptistina of approximately 160 km was struck by a smaller asteroid creating a cluster. Calculations indicate that one of thesefragments of 10 km wide struck Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, but later in 2011, the Wide-field Infrared Survey explorer determined that the Baptistina family was created 80 million years ago which makesan asteroid of this family highly improbably to create the Chicxulub crater [2]

Another explanation proposes that the passage of the solar companion star Nemesis through the Oort comet cloud would...
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