Diplomado En Ingles

Páginas: 28 (6982 palabras) Publicado: 3 de octubre de 2012

Universidad nacional
Sede regional Chorotega
Campus Liberia

Curso de Composición


Profesora: Karol Cubero
Estudiante: Jennifer Ramírez Ugarte

II Ciclo, 2010

First class
Approach to teaching writing

* The free-writing approach
In this picture there are many people and they are working, but there are two women with anumbrella and a little dog.
In my opinion this pain represents the discrimination, explotation of poor people in the past for the high class. Also, there is an incredible view, waterfalls…
“! Tell me who you walk with and I tell you are!”

There were, two friends that had a good friendship, their names were, Angelique and Leticia, they went to the parties, birthday always together. However,Angelique had a secret, that Leticia did not know, but, she suspected.
Likewise, Angelique had many friends more, they were drogadicts and she is drogadicts too. Leticia did not have any vice. But also, both were in each place together. The time made Leticia getting in the drug world and the friendship changed in theirself. So their families bring them help, but Angelique died intoxicated and Leticia iswith her family in other country.
Outline Paragraph – Pattern Approach
The emphasis in this approach is the organization ideas rather than grammar.
Innocence and Divine
Topic Sentences
a. Cafeteria workers came into make their back to school preparations
1. Jelly sandwiches, churning out peanut butter.2. Soup
3. Lemon sheet cakes


The genre refers to socials aspects and cultures. Society knows the concept of genre as different conducts that are attributing to men and women, in diverse areas, like jobs, home. However this idea is a mistake, because there are many women that do distinct jobs that the society define for men, for example, there are women working as mechanics,police officer, or lawyer. Furthermore, there are men with jobs that were typical for women, for example, nurses, hairdresser, take care of children and other. In the past women and men were discriminate for these jobs, for instance, People thought that men working as hairdresser were gays, and in the same way of women. But now a day are very typical. In fact, people each day open their minds andthey can see a world that change every day, especially with the genres.


Topic sentences:
The genre refers to aspects of social and cultures.
A) Many women do distinct jobs that the society defines for men.
1. Mechanic
2. Police
3. Lawyer
B) There are men with jobs that were typical for women.
1. Nurses
3. Take care of children

Concluding sentences:

In fact, people each day open their minds and they can see a world that change every day, especially with genres.

Guanacaste has numerous kind traditions that form part of our culture. And that we practice in distinct activities. Dance folks are a beautiful tradition in our country; is dissimilar in each place,but it has the same meaning, there are many songs, for example, “Punto Guanacasteco”, “La cucaracha”, “Torito Pinto”, etc…In other hand, has the typical foods, that ours mothers prepare in different celebrations like at Christmas, birthday and other, for instance, “Gallo Pinto”, “Tamales”, “Arroz con Pollo”. The dance folk and typical foods are a bit parts of our traditions that day a day itlearning how to be Guanacasteco.

Topic sentences:
Guanacaste has numerous kind traditions that form part of our culture
A) Dance folk
1. Punto Guanacasteco
2. Torito pinto
3. La cucaracha
B) Typical foods
1. Gallo pinto
2. Arroz con pollo
3. Tamales
Concluding sentences:
The dance folk and typical foods are a bit...
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