
Páginas: 3 (564 palabras) Publicado: 19 de abril de 2015

What is Holy?

Holy is an ancient festival of India and was originally known as "HOLIKA".
People said that Holy existed several centuries before Christ.
At first festival was aspecial rite performed by married women for the happiness and well-being of their families and the full moon (Raka) was worshiped.

Where and When is Holy celebrated?

Holy is being celebrated in Indiansince time immemorial.
Just at the beginning of the year, people start looking for the Holy Date in their Calendar. It is made the night that appears the first full moon of March.

FESTIVAL OF COLORSDays before Holy, the markets get flooded with the colors of every hues. This aptly sets the mood of the people till the actual day of Holy. It is such a colorful and joyous sight to watch huge piles ofbright red, magenta, pink, green and blue every where on the streets.

Holy means ...

Holy gets us close to our religion and our mythology as it is essentially the celebration of various legendsassociated with the festival.
Holy means fun, romance and fraternity.

Holy Celebration

Children particularly enjoy the festival as they throw water filled balloons at passersby.
In some states there isalso a tradition of breaking the pot full of buttermilk which is hung high on the streets.
And after a wild and eventful day, evenings are celebrated in a dignified manner by visiting friends andrelatives.

Holi Festival

Los hombres y las mujeres juegan con vibrantes tonalidades púrpuras en el templo Banke Bihari durante la celebración de Holi.Hoy en día, Holi simboliza un puente entre lasbrechas sociales dentro de la propia cultura hindú. Los hombres y las mujeres celebran juntos esta fiesta; los ricos y los pobres se salpican entre sí, del mismo modo que lo hacen los jóvenes y losmayores. Es la celebración de la verdadera unión.
Los devotos hindúes deben estar preparados para ensuciarse durante las celebraciones.
Tradicionalmente, las pinturas en polvo utilizados en las...
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