
Páginas: 3 (555 palabras) Publicado: 3 de junio de 2012
Dolphins are marine animals that live in temperate waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, according to the documentary most of these live in Japan, where are prohibited the pass in themost parks nationals of taiji, the fishermen’s close this for wildlife protection only for world trade that these wonderful animals give them unfortunately. All this happens only for one reason andis that our planet Earth is surrounded by people immature and incapable of seeing reality and understand what is actually happening to them is only the dumb money, without seeing this beautifulnature that surrounds us.
Why such wonderful animals like these are abused by people unable to live your own reality? these people living in a world outside of reality for them their environment(everything around us) is money and nothing else, just this absurd and ironic reason, these animals such as dolphins and many others are on via of extinction, for these people dolphins are the worst animalsthat already exist that are killing the fish shop and they abuse them to death and so they can be sold and that its trade is extended, but still from my point of view are more bad the people who buyit that persons who kill them for money. That this was done to make it clear to people who have to care for nature and all the beautiful things that gives us as our ecosystem are living beingsincluding humans, if we are the species most advanced and developed than there, why not take care of our backward evolution? If we live them as everything is a food chain, but because they mistreat theseanimals? the world is when you really expect something incomprendible not find it, is wonderful being that not everyone has the opportunity to live because many die before they live, and unfortunately weare in a world full of envy, murder and destruction that this killing our planet, the dolphins are more intelligent animals that exist today, it's incomprendible that fishermen want to end the life...
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