El Condor Andino

Páginas: 4 (870 palabras) Publicado: 8 de septiembre de 2015
Ecología y Educación Ambiental
Trabajo de Investigación
El Cóndor Andino
Bedor Arreaga Shirley
Calderón León Bianca
González López AshleyNieto Parrales Melissa
Pérez González Josselyn
Solís Coronel Jhonny

Se investigó acerca del cóndor Andino (Vultur gryphus) que
habita en determinados biomas alrededor del mundo, el
estudio sellevó a cabo tomando en cuenta diferentes
aspectos a considerar tales como: hábitat, usos, alimento,

Es uno de los animales que en la actualidad se encuentra en
peligro de extinción, muchas sonlas instituciones y los países
que en la actualidad se están haciendo presente para tomar
medidas y establecer soluciones en cuanto a su conservación.

Palabras claves: Vultur gryphus, genéric ABSTRACT
We have studied and investigated about the "Andean condor", who habits in specifics biomes
around the World. The investigation was conducted considering differents aspects such as:
habitat, uses,food, etc. The Andean Condor was described in 1758 by Carlos Linneo in the
10th edition of the "Systems Nature", it conserves the original binominal nomenclature
"Vultur gryphus". The generic termVultur comes from the Latin Vultur or voltur which means
"Vulture", as gryphus derives from the ancient greck "groups".
The "Andean Condor" is a specie related to the Californian condor and the "royalcondor". The
Andean Condor is considered as a National Symbol in countries such as Bolivia, Chile,
Colombia, Ecuador, Perú and therefore is considered as a "Natural and Cultural Heritage“ of
SouthAmerica too.
Now days, the condor is considered endangered. There are many countries and institutions
which are taking some action to give solutions to this problem. They are looking for the
conservationof the specie so is really important making investigations in order to know more
about the life of this incredible animal.


Es una especie de
ave de la familia

Habita en...
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