el play 4

Páginas: 5 (1172 palabras) Publicado: 8 de diciembre de 2014
Questioning the world makes me wonder how everything will be in 100 years ?. Is the English is the universal language that controls everything ?, be another World War ?, is it true what 100 years now and all bald ?, How will science and nanotechnology? ... So my questions remain and still, because the future in the face of 100 years is very uncertain, but what is clear is that something ishappening today in the world, things are not going well, we light a newscast and see some "wise guys" that to demonstrate the extent to which there is freedom of the press, are the nonsense published a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad and the worst thing happens, is that this has shown that there can be no complete press freedom in a world increasingly globalized, because even revenge have burnedchurches (in the XXI century) when the church that I know of has had nothing to do with the publication of the cartoons by a newspaper and as the idea of journalists without much thinking.
Everything started in the year 2110, when China will invade Alaska and the United Nations war disappeared. Canada was annexed by the United States in 2072; and January 1, 2077, Alaska was released, as tensions grewworldwide.

Meanwhile, the paranoia of people by nuclear war increased, leading to a company known as Vault-Tec to submit to US government a new project to save lives in case of nuclear war: huge underground facilities, protected radiation, called Vaults, or Refuges. Although the United States needed over 400,000 Vaults to survive, only 122 were built People sought refuge in the chambers ofpreservation Puwolski, direct competition from Vault-Tec, they said to protect one person from radiation.

The 23rd October 2077, about 82 students from the school Early Dawn, along with a few teachers and parents, hiked to the caves of Lamplight, on the outskirts of the city. They spent several hours exploring them as they prepared to leave the caves trembled, the lights dimmed and an adult was sentto see what happened. On his return he was reported terrible news: Washington all covered with mushroom clouds.

In parallel, the 23rd of October the nuclear war start and end in a matter of two hours that devastated 75% of USA, and a number of rest of the globe, reports of ballistic missiles from San Francisco. Many people took alarms as mere simulacra, but there were many who made it to theVaults. Shortly after just a tremor felt like an earthquake, and all was silent.


(A Monseñor Manuel Tovar)
El liberal obispo de Arequipa Chávez de la Rosa, a quien debe esa ciudad, entre otros beneficios, la fundación de la Casa de expósitos, tomó gran empeño en el progreso del seminario, dándole un vasto y bien meditado plan de estudios, que aprobó el rey, prohibiendo sólo quese enseñasen derecho natural y de gentes.
Rara era la semana por los años de 1796 en que su señoría ilustrísima no hiciera por lo menos una visita al colegio, cuidando de que los catedráticos cumpliesen con su deber, de la moralidad de los escolares y de los arreglos económicos.
Una mañana encontrose con que el maestro de latinidad no se había presentado en su aula, y por consiguiente losmuchachos, en plena holganza, andaban haciendo de las suyas.
El señor obispo se propuso remediar la falta, reemplazando por ese día al profesor titular.
Los alumnos habían descuidado por completo aprender la lección. Nebrija y el Epítome habían sido olvidados.
Empezó el nuevo catedrático por hacer declinar a uno musa, musæ. El muchacho se equivocó en el acusativo del plural, y el Sr. Chávez le dijo:-¡Al rincón! ¡Quita calzón!
En esos tiempos regía por doctrina aquello de que la letra con sangre entra, y todos los colegios tenían un empleado o bedel, cuya tarea se reducía a aplicar tres, seis y hasta doce azotes sobre las posaderas del estudiante condenado a ir al rincón.
Pasó a otro. En el nominativo de quis vel quid ensartó un despropósito, y el maestro profirió la tremenda frase:
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