Electric Cars Essay

Páginas: 3 (728 palabras) Publicado: 19 de abril de 2012
Electric Cars: The newest inhabitant of the world.
This report presents the recent revolution in car technology and how people are receiving it. First of all it talks about the different cars thatexist today, others than gas powered ones and compares its efficiency and features, then it shows how people in lager cities actually knows about electric cars and how they are responding to them inparticular, and finally it tries to define a future market for electric cars and states ways in which carmakers should focus to introduce the electric cars successfully into growing markets.

Thegasoline fueled cars are not the only ones parked at the dealerships any more, thanks to certain governments mileage requirements and the urge to reduce pollution you will find more efficient and lesscontaminating vehicles, when you go to the dealership you will find some cars that maybe you only heard about, but not know exactly how they work. We will find Hybrids, which are the most known newmodel right now and have developed to compete with gasoline fueled cars in terms of efficiency, also in some countries the government offers tax credit or exemption for these type of vehicles, which makethe more appealable to buyers; we will also find Turbo diesels, which in our country turn out to be cheap overall because they have better performance and efficiency and here diesel costs less thangasoline, also this engine is well maintained lasts longer; another type we will find are Electrics which right now are barely new, they are efficient in terms of mileage, but they don’t run longdistances making them unfit for the average buyer, maybe with they will get better ; we can find natural gas and ethanol fueled cars but these are expensive and there are not a lot of refueling stations;gasoline fueled cars of course are still the most numerous but thanks to new technology they are more efficient too; finally we can find the Hydrogen fueled cars, but these are just prototype that are...
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