Emily And Brand

Páginas: 3 (716 palabras) Publicado: 23 de noviembre de 2012
Emily and Brand
Emily had always been what many considered a lucky girl or at least lucky that even though when I was only a year and his parents died in a tragic accident had been orphaned with noone in the world ever knew in really the feeling of losing a parent, because as people said their future had changed for the better, the family adopted the richest and most powerful of the entireregion and so everyone thought that his life could be miserable and sad had changed become a dream.
And for a while it did, the first years of Emily lived as in a fairy tale every day he woke up with anew dream to tell and energy to learn anything that was worthy of learning and learning grew tales of princesses and dragons, Knights, witches and demons, also learned to write, read, sing, and danceand was beautiful and shining like a rainbow.
He grew up without knowing your present could be very different, when he turned 17, he decided to ask his parents to teach him to ride a horse and hisparents could not say no to his only daughter had the best horse he had and he managed to the best teacher I could find.
So he met the only person who could outshine all light Brand had a young teacherriding a completely different person Emily were all in the shadows and anarchy was his nature but it was not bad just that he had not been all that lucky had and knew he had gotten it, was a naturalwith animals and was the best rider and horse riding coach that existed on earth.
As these two characters met had two completely different impressions with each other to Emily seemed so cold andcalculating, and he thought he had found a sun the only person to be worth more than any animal.
And as expected Brand fell in love with Emily but Emily Brand and so the days passed and Brand tried by allmeans not many try unsuccessfully Love as she learned very quickly to riding.
Brand then one day he realized that soon no longer need and decided to do the only thing I had sworn never to do....
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