
Páginas: 5 (1125 palabras) Publicado: 9 de marzo de 2013
Do men and women speak the same language?
Can they ever really communicate?
Since we were born, we are taught to act in consequence to our gender. If we are girls we have to obey certain rules and behavior in certain way, for example: we have to be clean and feminine, we don’t have to use bad words. If we are boys we have to be brave, we have to be responsible for hard workingand use force for solving problems. Girls are known for being worried about the process whereas boys are worry about the result will be what they expect, putting aside how it is done.
In the title of this text are proposed two important questions which nowadays has been a new surge of interest in them. We, as members of the globalization, are exposed to information that guides us to makeconclusions, like books and TV shows. Maybe we can answer these questions, but we don’t have a scientific or behavior fact supporting our answers. We all know that men and women are different obeying biological facts, but sex is not the only difference, the sociological factor is important too. By the time, women acquire characteristics that take them to think and behave in certain ways; the same happenswith men. That is why we have heard the theories of men are from Mars, women are from Venus.
Actually, more than 6900 languages are spoken in the world, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that women and men can communicate successfully. We as society have obstacles which avoid a total communication, like ages, culture, traditions, socioeconomic circumstances and gender. Yes, maybe we speak the samelanguage referring to grammar and the sound of the words, but not referring the intention or significance that we want to give to our audience. Can they ever really communicate? Well, it is a fact that brains work in different ways, but we need a previous context, a background in every situation. In the following text, these two questions will try to be resolved, based in different points of viewof recognized authors and the own experience being part of this diary experiment.
- Do men and women speak the same language? Can they ever really communicate?
There are about 7 000 000 000 people in the world, in which exists about 51% women and 49% men, so Why can not we communicate each other? Men and women have many characteristics that contribute to create differences between ourbehaviors. One of the most important reasons of these problems is the communicative objectives of each gender, and the process done for reach their goals. Naturally, women are cooperative and men are competitive and these attitudes are shown at the moment of speaking. Men are always looking for prove something, their goal is to answer the question or solve the problem, no more, and sometimes tend tochange other people’s mind, persuade to their conversational partner. Contrary to women, who try to show their emotions and that way feel a connexion with their listener. And that is the main purpose of the conversation, to integrate and share different points of view and respect them. That is one of the reasons why women are considered more talkative than men.
By the time, communicative skills haveturned more important in the occupational area and women have got better positions. In general, men’s language is based on facts, statistics, and quantifiable things. Nowadays society is tired of these kinds of results and what they want is to amuse and to hear good news about their problems. Women have developed more this ability, and that is one of the reasons why women are taking better jobs.However we have to realize that these changes are happening because of the society’s necessities and also, eliminate the sexism and prejudice.
The context in which everybody develop their abilities is fundamental for communication, and we as adaptable people, have the tools to incorporate our knowledge to our diary life. For example: A female engineer, who works with male engineers 24/7, will be...
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