Ensayo Melanoma

Páginas: 3 (507 palabras) Publicado: 9 de diciembre de 2012
Melanoma is characterized as the most dangerous form of skin cancer. Although it is the rarest, it is the leading case of deaths due to skin cancer. This fatal occurrence, if not treated early, canhappen to just about anyone but has been most commonly found in sixty-five year old men with light colored skin and hair. I'm a Hispanic female with brown hair and eyes who was diagnosed with melanomaat the age of twelve. If you search for pictures of melanoma, you would see disturbing looking images of disfigured, dark spots or strange-looking, varying in color, blotches. However, I had a brown,perfectly round mole that would shrivel up and turn a pale-pink in the water. I guess you can say I was a bad apple.
If my mom were writing this, she would give you a five hundred page essay on howone should go to the dermatologist twice a year, ever year and how sunblock should be applied religiously. Even though I was the one enduring all the biopsies, tests, X-Rays, and surgeries, she claimsshe had a traumatic experience. I probably would have shared the emotions with her, but my family decided to keep me out of the loop until I was sixteen. Although I was aggravated when I finallydiscovered the severity of my skin condition, I now understand and accept their decision. At twelve my only concerns were trying to get my seventh grade crush's attention and trying to get my stitches offearly so I could continue with what I thought would turn into a volleyball career. Thinking that I was pretty much the only person my age with a life-threatening skin problem would have destroyed me.For the past five years I have been basically doing everything I can to protect myself from the sun. Yes, I do still live in Florida, but that is because it's home. Other than that I do not go to thebeach much or use tanning beds, the latter being more women have lately become diagnosed with melanoma. However, when I do, I do not spend my time tanning and I apply sunblock with an SPF anywhere...
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  • melanoma
  • Melanoma
  • melanoma
  • melanoma
  • Melanoma
  • Melanoma
  • Melanoma
  • melanoma

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