
Páginas: 12 (2755 palabras) Publicado: 23 de febrero de 2015


A student of medicine

Un estudiante de medicina

My father had five sons. I was the third. When I
was Fourteen he sent me to Cambridge to study.
I was there for three years. Then he did not have
enough money to pay my teachers any longer, so
I went to London. I wanted to be a doctor. In
London I studied medicine with a famous
doctor, MrJames Bates. While I was studying I
worked for him, too, so my father did not have
to pay him any money. There was one other
thing I wanted to do very much. I hoped to
travel, and visit foreign lands someday. I loved
reading. Of course, I liked to read about being a
doctor. But I also read about science,
mathematics, and engineering, which means
knowing how to build machines. Best of all,I
liked reading about foreign countries, and the
way people lived in other lands. When I had
enough money, I bought books. But Dr Bates
did not pay me much, so I could not buy many!
After four years I went home to see my family. I
had a pleasant surprise. My father and my uncle
gave me forty pounds. Also they promised to
send me thirty pounds each year while I learnt
more about medicine.That does not seem to be
much money these days, but in those days it was
a lot. So, at last, I had enough money to do what
I wanted. I left Dr Bates and went to study at
Leyden in Holland for two years. I still wanted to
travel, so I learnt many things which I could use
on long sea-journeys, or 'voyages' as they are

Mi padre tenía cinco hijos. Yo era el tercero.
Cuando teníacatorce años me envió a
Cambridge para estudiar. Yo estaba allí por tres
años. Entonces él no tenía suficiente dinero para
pagar mis maestros por más tiempo, así que me
fui a Londres. Yo quería ser médico. En
Londres estudié medicina con un médico
famoso, el Sr. James Bates. Mientras estudiaba
trabajé para él, también, por lo que mi padre no
tenía que pagarle dinero. Había otra cosa quequería hacer mucho. Tenía la esperanza de viajar
y visitar tierras extranjeras algún día. Me encantó
leer. Por supuesto, me gustaba leer acerca de ser
un médico. Pero también he leído acerca de la
ciencia, las matemáticas y la ingeniería, lo que
significa saber cómo construir máquinas. Lo
mejor de todo, me gusta leer sobre los países
extranjeros, y la forma en que la gente vivía en
otrastierras. Cuando tuve suficiente dinero,
compré libros. Pero el doctor Bates no me pagó
mucho, así que no podía comprar muchos!
Después de cuatro años me fui a casa a ver a mi
familia. Tuve una agradable sorpresa. Mi padre y
mi tío me dio cuarenta libras. También
prometieron enviarme treinta libras cada año,
mientras que aprendí más sobre la medicina. Eso
no parece haber mucho dinero en estosdías,
pero en esos días era mucho. Así que, por fin,
tuve suficiente dinero para hacer lo que quería.
Dejé el Dr. Bates y me fui a estudiar en Leyden
en Holanda durante dos años. Todavía tengo
ganas de viajar, así que aprendí muchas cosas
que podría utilizar en largos viajes por mar, o
"viajes" como se les llama.


PAG #2:


After I finished studying atLeyden I became a ship's
Doctor. Dr Bates, my old teacher, advised me to take
this job. He said it would be very good for me. For
three and a half years I sailed in a ship called the
Swallow. I went on voyages from England to Turkey
and Other places. Then I decided to remain on land,
in London, for a while. Dr Bates thought this was a
good idea. He helped me, too. He sent many people
whowere ill to me, and I was often very busy. I rented
a house and later I married a young woman called
Mary Burton. Her father gave us four hundred
pounds as a wedding present. This, I thought, was a
very useful present. After two years my old friend and
helper, Dr Bates, died. After that I did not have so
much work to do. My wife and friends advised me to
travel again.
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