Essay Questions

Páginas: 2 (329 palabras) Publicado: 30 de mayo de 2012
Discursive Essays
In a discursive essay you are expected to be neutral,
objective and explore all sides. This is mostly used
for academic writing at university, but is similar to
the type ofwriting used in reporting complex stories
at the NST.
Before beginning an essay of this type, you should
try and think about what the quote or subject means
to you and what possible opinionspeople might hold.
To write a discursive essay, use the following steps
to help you:

Style in a Discursive Essay
Discursive essays should be
formally written:

Avoid contractions(don’t,
haven’t etc)

Do not use slang
expressions or idioms

Do not use personal
pronouns. (I, you, we etc)

1. Begin by saying what the quote means to you
The essay should alsobe written
and rephrase it in your own words. You may
without titles as one continuous
also be able to identify some of the issues
prose and shouldn’t appear to have
that lie behind thetitle. Keep it interesting,
any opinion (Don’t use, I believe, I
relevant and no more than 1 paragraph.
think etc) except in the conclusion.
2. Present evidence that agrees with the quote
3.Present evidence that disagrees with the
Above all be, accurate, clear and
economical (ACE)
4. The implications or consequences of the quote
(Try and think about the future if the quoteis
true or false)
5. Conclusion and at this point you can say that
based on the evidence presented you agree or
disagree. You can either pick out important points or add a personal note aftera mainly
objective essay.
For steps 2-4 each paragraph should contain one major point of the argument, begin with a
topic sentence and should be linked to the previous paragraph usingsuitable conjunctions or
link words. Make sure you include plenty of examples and a few opinions from influential

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