
Páginas: 4 (978 palabras) Publicado: 11 de marzo de 2013
History has shown the contempt between people who have fought over land, money, and religion. However, this disdain has evolved into something greater: racism. Racism is the hatred orintolerance of another race or other races. In like manner, racism has been seen throughout history and has been experienced by many individuals; also, racism is a belief or doctrine that inherentdifferences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others. This trend has been aroundfor a long time, from slaves, to discrimination, etc. Although in many cases, people in the time period often tend to act like it does not exist. Moreover, racism has been demonstrated through racialprofiling, the segregation of African Americans in the United States, and the Holocaust. Likewise, racism wants the victims to ascribe to all kinds of bad properties, to prove their negativity and showsthe positivism of the prosecutor at the same time. Racism is an absolute ideology because it explains the differences for definitive and in general.
To begin with, racial profiling is the use of aperson’s race or ethnicity by law enforcement in deciding whether or not to participated enforcement. Additionally, racial profiling is illegal in some areas and can lead to serious time in prison. Amuch discriminated group is African Americans because they profiled involvement with drugs and weapons. Besides, many people are afraid of African American because of their color. Also, people thinkthat all black people are involved with drugs and weapons, which is not true. Unfortunately, our society teaches people to believe that. Furthermore, Hispanics are profiled because of drugs and theirstatus in the country. For instance, in Arizona Hispanics are constantly stopped because of the new law created in 2011, called SB1070 which enforcement to asks Hispanics for proof of being legally...
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