Examen De Ingles B 1

Páginas: 4 (777 palabras) Publicado: 11 de abril de 2011
Clave de Ingles Bloque 1 TELESECUNDARIA



1. What´s the meaning of library?
b. Librero
c. Librería
d. Biblioteca

2. How do you say ventana in English?
a. Window
b. Library
c. Door
d. Bike

3. What is the correct result of 3+3-2?
a. For
b. Four
c. Eigth

4. What is the correct result of 25+6-3+1?
a. Twenty nine
b. Twenty two
c. Twenty one
d. Twenty four

5. Choose the correct sentence:
a. Mother´s when is your birthday?
b. Is yourbirthday when your mother´s?
c. When is your mother´s birthday?
d. Your birthday when is your mother´s

6. Choose the correct sentence:
a. On June 3rd is my father´s birthday.
b. My father´sbirthday is on June 3rd
c. Birthday my father´s is on June 3rd
d. My father´s is on June 3rd birthday.

7. What is the correct result of 15+4-7?
a. Eleven
b. Twelve
c. Thirteen
d. Fourteen

8.What is the correct result of 31-17+4?
a. Eighteen
b. Eigthteen
c. Nineteen
d. Nineten

9. What is the correct result of 13-9-2+7?
a. Nain
b. Nine
c. Two
d. Thirteen

10. Choose thecorrect sentence:
a. Birthday on Her September is 2nd.
b. Her birthday is on September 2nd.
c. On September, Is her birthday 2nd.
d. Is her birthday on September 2nd.

11. Choose the correctsentence:
a. Is on my birthday November 20th.
b. On November 20th is my birthday.
c. Is on November 20th my birthday.
d. My birthday is on November 20th.

12. Choose the correct sentence:
a.Birthday his on is15th May.
b. His birthday is on May 15th.
c. On May, Is his birthday 15th.
d. Is his birthday on 15th May.

13. What´s your name?
a. Her name is Louis.
b. Your name is Natalie.c. Our name is Julio and Marie.
d. My Names is Maritza Rivero.

14. What´s your last name?
a. My last name is Cárdenas.
b. His last name is López.
c. Your last name is Castillo.
d. Her last...
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