Examen university cambridge

Páginas: 9 (2197 palabras) Publicado: 30 de junio de 2010
UNIT 5: Growing up

Objetivo de unidad: El alumno intercambiara información sobre recuerdos de su infancia,
empleando expresiones de tiempo y el pasado simple en oraciones y preguntas dentro de un
ambiente de interés y respeto.

Unit 5 Progress chart
Mark the boxes below to rate your progress.

= I know how to…. ? = I need to review how to….
To review, go back
tothese pages in the
Student’s Book.
44 and 45
say years
use determines: all (of), most (of), a lot (of), some (of), a few (of), no, non
talk about the past using time expression
make statements and ask questions with the simple past and past of be
44 and 45
46 and 47
44 and 45Vocabulary
name at least 5 general subject categories
name at least 12 school subjects 47
correcting things I say with expression like Actually and No, wait
use I mean to correct myself
use except (for) and apart from to link ideas
48 and 49



Choose the correct option

Student When ___(1)____ you born, teacher?
Teacher I _____(2)___ born in 1986.
Student Really? __(3)_____ you born here in MéxicoCity?
Teacher No, I ____(4)___.

My husband and I __(5)___ both born in Monterrey.
Student So when ___(6)____you started teaching in Benemerito?
Teacher My husband and I ____(7)__ moved to México City until my son ___(8)__ 24

years old.
Student __(9)___ you studied in Benemerito?
Teacher Yes I ___(10)___, in 2001.

1. a) Were b) was c)did d)does
2. a) did b)didn’t c)was d)were3. a) does b)did c)do d)were
4. a)wasn’t b)was c)did d)didn´t
5. a) was b)were c) do d)did
6. a)did b)do c) does d) didn´t
7. a) doesn´t b)didn´t c)don’t d)not
8. a)is b) was c) were d)am
9. a)were b)was c)did d)do
10. a)was b)am c)did d)didn´t

C. Complete the sentences using time expressions. They express the duration of events and
points in the time in the past. You can usesome words more than once.
11. I lived there __ (12) _ six years.
12. We moved __ (13) _ May.
13. I studied in English __ (14) _ January (14) April.
14. We lived in Benemérito __ (15) _ 2008 (16) 2011.
15. My family moved __ (17) _ Veracruz ten years __ (18) _.
16. We lived in Benemérito __ (19) _ I was eighteen.
17. We lived in Benemérito __ (20) _ 2011.
18. I lived inCuernavaca, and __ (21) _ I moved to Benemérito.
19. I left Benemérito __ (22) _ I was eighteen.
a) when b)for c)from …to d) in e)ago f)then g)until

D. Unscramble the questions.
21. best friend / Who / your / was / ago / five years?
a) Who five years ago was your best friend?
b) was your best friend five years ago who?
c) Was who your best friend five years ago.
d) Who was your best friendfive years ago?
22. a child / you / move /when /Did /ever/ were / you?
a) When did ever were you a child you move?
b) Did you ever move when you were a child?
c) When did you ever move you were a child?
d) You move when did you were ever a child?

E. Indicate the word that doesn´t belong to each list.
23. a) history b)chemistry c)economics d) geography
24. a)gymnasticsb)dance c)art d)track
25. a)literature b)biology c)chemistry d)physics


F. Complete the sentence. Use an expression to correct things you say.
24. We moved to Cancun when I was ten,
A. So you were pretty young.
a) Actually, no, it was 2002.
b) No, wait… Her name was Mrs. Santos
c) No, wait. I was nine.


G. Write about some of your favorite activities asa Benemérito student.
Write at least 50 words as a minimum using the grammar and vocabulary of the unit.


Objetivo de unidad: El alumno ofrecerá ayuda y pedirá información en cuanto a lugares de
interés en la ciudad usando las estructuras Is there? y Are there?, los pronombres one y
some, así como can y could para ofrecer y pedir ayuda dentro de un ambiente de...
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