False friends

Páginas: 2 (365 palabras) Publicado: 9 de marzo de 2010
Spanish and English have literally thousands of cognates, words that are basically the same in both languages, having the same etymology and similar meanings. Butcombinations such as deception and "deception" are so-called false cognates — known more precisely as "false friends" or falsos amigos — word pairs that look like they might mean the same thing but don't. Theycan be confusing, and if you make the mistake of using them in speech or writing you're likely to be misunderstood.
Following is a list of some of the most common false friends — some of the onesyou're mostly likely to come across when reading or listening to Spanish:
English | Correcttraslation | Mistaketraslation | English equivalent for the Spanish  |
actually | realmente | actualmente |nowadays |

abuse | insultos | abuso | imposition |
actual | verdadero, real | actual | present |
anticipation | esperanza | anticipación | advance |

apparition | fantasma | aparición |appearance |

army | ejercito | Armada | navy |

fume | Humo | fumar | to smoke |

introduce | Presentar | introducir | to bring in |

mayor | alcalde | mayor | main |
notice | aviso | noticia | new |To assist | Ayudar | Asistir | attend |

Conductor | Director de orquesta | Conductor | driver |

English | Correcttraslation | Mistaketraslation | English equivalent for the Spanish  |
English |Correcttraslation | Mistaketraslation | English equivalent for the Spanish  |
Anxious | Inquieto, nervioso. | Ansioso | Eager, greedy |
Discussion | Conversacion | discusión | argument |
Disgust |Repugnancia | disgusto | annoyance |
Attend | Asistir a, ir a | Atender | Pay attention |
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Our intention when we chose this topic, is thatlatin people who is learning english determined the diference between some spanish word an english word. Because most of the time people confuse or relate the words that are similar in spanish...
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  • False Friends
  • Diccionario De Anglicismos, Cognados y False Friends
  • False friends
  • False Friends
  • False Friends
  • false friends
  • False Friends Or False Cognates
  • False friends / faux amis

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