
Páginas: 4 (941 palabras) Publicado: 6 de noviembre de 2013
a normal day watching a movie in jenny´s hoyse. joanna: hello wendy, hello jenny wendy and jenny: hello joanna: let´s go shopping at Tangaropa jenny: yes, lets go. AT THE STORE lupita: good morning,what do we show ypu? You can ask. wendy: can you show me a casual blous. lupita: what color do you want the blous? wendy: Girls, What color is better? jenny_: I like the pink. joanna: I think theblue is better. Wendy: Ok, give me a green one please. Yanira: In the sell of two blouses you get a pair of jeans at fifty percent off. jenny: But you already bought a pair of jeans leví´s joanna: WellI´ll buy them. yanira: heres spme samples of some jeans that are on sell. jenny: I don´t like the loose pants. joanna: I think the one with diamonds is better. jenny: uggg! that close doesn´t fit themanequi. It doesn´t have a but or chest. I don´t like how it fits it. yanira: you can try it on if you like. joanna: where are the changing rooms? yanira: to the end on your write. joanna: thank youjenny: how much is it? lupita:it cost six hundred and with the fifty percent discount it´s only three hundred pesos. jenny: ok yanira did it fit you? joanna: yes, It fit. I´ll take it lupita: go to theregister to pay, please.
joanna: ok
wendy:doy you have a smaller size? yanira: yes, come over here wendy: ok yanira: did it fit? yes, I´ll take it. Yanira: go to the register please. jenny:How muchis it for all? Lupita: of the two blouses it´s two hundres pesos and the pair of jeans is six hundred but since it has haif the price off.. it´s only five hundred pesos for all. joana: here you go.jenny: thank you lupe y yanira: thanks for your preference.
Pago de impuestos en México

Mecanismos electrónicos para el pago de Impuestos en México vía Internet
La presente página del portal delConsulado General de México en Fráncfort del Meno tiene como objetivo facilitar a las personas interesadas el pago de impuestos de México.El esquema que se utilizó para redactar este apartado se...
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