Fotosíntesis para niños

Páginas: 11 (2505 palabras) Publicado: 27 de diciembre de 2014
Context and location in the curriculum and course
The didactic unit we have done is addressed to third cycle of primary education, particularly for fifth grade. In this unit we pretend to treat the curriculum content required in addition to those who have worked in previous years, with the purpose of linking new knowledge with the above.

This didactic unit treats about plants, so, throughthis aim that those contents and competencies established by LOMCE are addressed. This is discussed in Block 3: "living beings" and through this education law we extract the aspects we want to address by this topic, as parts of the plant, the processes they perform, their importance, uses...

The context in which we develop this topic is in the Botanical Garden of University of Valencia. It islocated on the street Quart, inside the urban center of the city of Valencia. In addition to simply preserve this beautiful garden, the place is used as a center for study, research and development with the aim of spreading the botanical culture. It investigates the flora, vegetation and biosystems. Currently participates in international projects concerning plant biodiversity and indigenous plants,therefore is a plant space of scientific and educational interest.

Therefore, we believe that this is an ideal place for the topic we want to address, because it allows us to learn based on what is observed. Therefore we use it as a place where students can appreciate the diversity of plants, their classification, the differences between them... Since it’s a fifth grade class, already havepreconceptions about the topic, so the place we use it as an introduction to our topic to extract these prior knowledge. Thereby they report on about what studied in previous years and also allows us to develop in students strategies such as the formulation of hypotheses and thus know from where we start our sessions will be given later in the classroom.

We help students to know and betterunderstand their environment in a natural area, to know places near to them which can always visit they want and with them students can appreciate the great work some people do to preserve important places like this. We also try to promote critical thinking and responsibility by their own environment.

Because the classroom is another context where we develop our topic, in sessions that will be given inthis space, from the previous ideas really we will know those cognitive errors that may arise and through activities and small experiments the students will be able to know himself if what they thought from the beginning it was right or not.

To develop the scientific method we pretend to apply cooperative learning in which dialogue flows and there are small debates. Therefore we start bycognitive and emotional development in which the student is taking into consideration their interest to learn starting from a particular environment to finally think more abstractly.

La unidad didáctica que hemos realizado va dirigida al tercer ciclo de educación primaria, concretamente para quinto curso. En esta unidad pretendemos tratar los contenidos que exige el currículum, además de aquellosque se han trabajado en años anteriores, con la finalidad de que relacionen los nuevos conocimientos con los anteriores.

Dicha unidad didáctica trata sobre las plantas, así pues, mediante esta pretendemos que se aborden aquellos contenidos y competencias que establece la LOMCE. Este tema se aborda en el bloque 3: “los seres vivos” y de dicha ley educativa extraemos los aspectos que queremostratar de esta temática, como las partes de la planta, los procesos que realizan, su importancia, usos…

El contexto en el cual desarrollamos esta temática es en el Jardín Botánico de Universidad de Valencia. Se encuentra en la calle Quart, en el interior del casco urbano de la ciudad de Valencia. Además de simplemente conservar este hermoso jardín, el lugar se emplea como centro de estudio,...
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