Global Warming

Páginas: 3 (533 palabras) Publicado: 22 de abril de 2012

What is global warming?
Global Warming is a global phenomenon with a number of effects on the global level. Global warming has various effects, ranging from the effects to theatmosphere to the economical, environmental as well as the health life of human beings
Which are the effect of global warming in the health of humans?
One of the most serious effects of Global Warmingthat humans have to think about is the effect on the health of individuals, nations and therefore civilizations
The rise in temperature due to Global Warming is known to be supportive to various viraldiseases like the west Nile virus and malaria
What is the concequense of the increase of ozone in the atmosphere for humans?
Ozone is a harmful pollutant and causes respiratory problems Ozone isalso known to damage lung tissues and therefore cause more complications for people with asthma. These are some of the health effects of Global Warming.
Which are the effects of global warming inagriculture?
Global Warming may also cause a decline in agriculture due to the rise in temperature. The agriculture will also decline due to the role of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis.
Global Warmingalso results in increased number and longer droughts. This will result in an increase in the ozone gas at the ground level. The increase of the ozone at the ground level will result in a substantialdepletion of crops.
Which are the effects of global warming in the transport structures?
The increase in temperature will also cause various transport infrastructures like roads, bridges, and shipsto face greater temperature changes. Due to this, the maintainable costs of the transport infrastructure will increase

Which are the effects of global warming in the sea level?
Global Warmingalso results in a rise in the sea levels. Therefore, this will result in an increase of the costs of the coastal defense. This is also dangerous, because the most important trade ports are always at...
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  • Global warming
  • Global warming
  • Global Warming
  • Global Warming

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