Global Warming

Páginas: 5 (1203 palabras) Publicado: 20 de septiembre de 2012
Global Warming


Global warming is the increase of temperature in the earth’s surface and the greenhouse effect in it, this is that such as carbon dioxide emissions from human activities like burning fuels or deforestation these doesn’t let the heat go out of the earth. Since the 20th century the global warming has increased 0.8ºC


The phenomena of globalwarming as I said it is caused by the greenhouse effect that doesn’t allow getting out of the atmosphere such as the gases that we produce because the human activities like when we use the car, the industries gases that they emit, this gases trap the heat in the earth and it is probably one of the factors of the climate changes and its variations, also these barrier in the atmosphere retains the solarradiation and these is no good for our health. The weather in the earth depends on the concentrations of greenhouse effect.

These problematic have highly affected some countries like Australia, South Africa, Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina.

Every kilogram of fuel that is consumed produces about 3 kilograms of carbon dioxide and every year 6000 million tons of carbon are consumed and emittedand these produces in the atmosphere 18000 million tons of carbon dioxide. The burning trees adds 1000 or 2000 million tons of carbon and industrial processes 6000 million tons.

Greenhouse gases
Water vapor. -Can trap the radiated energy and the high levels of water vapor contribute highly to the surface oceanic warming and the inferior layers of the air.
Methane. -This gas is the cause ofthe increase of gas in the atmosphere; the concentration of this gas has been duplicated since the industrial revolution
Nitrous oxide-the emissions of this oxide are not convenient because it prevails for 170 years in the earth an it contributes to the destruction of the ozone layer.

Global warming is a problem because People in some temperate zones may benefit from milder winters, moreabundant rainfall, and expanding crop production. But people in other areas will suffer from increased heat waves, rising sea level, more rainfall, and droughts. The crops, natural vegetation, and domesticated and wild animals that sustain people in an area may be unable to adapt to local changes in climate. The ranges of diseases and pests that are limited may expand, if other environmental conditionsare also favorable.

Current state

Global emissions of carbon dioxide jumped by the largest amount on record in 2010 emissions rose 5.9 percent in 2010, according to the Global Carbon Project. The increase solidified a trend of ever-rising emissions that scientists fear will make it difficult, to forestall severe climate change in coming decades.
In 2012, researchers said that the amount ofsea ice in the Arctic had fallen to the lowest level, a confirmation of the drastic warming in the region and a likely sign of larger changes to come.
Satellites tracking the extension of the sea ice found that it covered about 1.58 million square miles, or less than 30 percent of the Arctic Ocean’s surface.

The consequences of the global warming can be that the regional weathercan change and the water level raises. Another consequences are that the air flow in Europe has became dry and calid, the sporadic heating in the south of the pacific has become more frequent, the intensity od storms an frequency of hurricanes has increased also the global warming will affect the agriculture.
The level of the water in the seas will raise because of the defrosting icebergs in theAntarctic, if the ice melts the water level will raise 75 meters, the level is raising in an annual rhythm of 1 to 1.5 millimeters all these thanks of the global warming in one century

Another consequence is the destruction of the ozone layer that if it is destroy it will allow the radiation and harmful types of energy get in the earth and this can be bad to our health because our body its...
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