Glosario De Terminos Prostodonticos

Páginas: 399 (99506 palabras) Publicado: 27 de septiembre de 2011


Abbe flap \ab# flap\ [Robert Abbe, New York, N.Y. surgeon, 1851˘ e ˘ 1928]: eponym for a lip switch operation. A triangular, full thickness flap from the lower lip used to fill in a deficit in the upper lip. Specifically applied to the midportion of the upper or lower lip— called also lip switch operation
Abbe, R. A new plastic operation for the relief ofdeformity due to double harelip. Med Rec 1898;53:477.

abÁduct \ab dukt#\ vt (1834): to draw away from the median plane— ˘ ˘ comp ADDUCT abÁerÁrant \a-ber#ant\ adj (ca. 1798) 1: a deviation from the normal or ˘ ˘ usual course, form, or location 2: straying from the normal way abÁfracÁtion \ab frak#shun\ n (1991): the pathologic loss of hard ˘ ˘ tooth substance caused by biomechanical loadingforces. Such loss is thought to be due to flexure and chemical fatigue degradation of enamel and/or dentin at some location distant from the actual point of loading—comp ABLATION, ABRASION, ATTRITION, and EROSION abÁlaÁtion \a-bl#shun\ n (15c) 1: separation or detachment; extirpa˘ a tion; eradication 2: removal of a part, especially by cutting—see ABFRACTION, EROSION abrade \uh-brd#\ vt (1677): torub away the external covering or layer a of a part—comp ATTRITION, EROSION a abraÁsion \a-br #shun\ n (1656) 1: the wearing away of a substance or ˘ structure (such as the skin or the teeth) through some unusual or abnormal mechanical process 2: an abnormal wearing away of the tooth substance by causes other than mastication—comp ATTRITION, EROSION 1 abraÁsive \uh-br # siv, -ziv\ n (1853): asubstance used for abrading, a smoothing, or polishing 2 abraÁsive \uh-br # siv, -ziv\ adj (1875) 1: tending to abrade 2: causa ing irritation—abraÁsiveÁly adv, abraÁsiveÁness n abÁraÁsiÁvity \uh-br#siv-ı˘ -t, -ziv-ı˘ -t\ v (1998): the property of one a e e material to wear away another material by means of frictional contact ˆ ˆrbd# ds\: the amount of energy from absorbed dose \ab-sorbd#,-zo oionizing radiation absorbed per unit mass of matter, expressed in Gray units ˆrp#tans, -zo ˆrp#tans\ n (ca. 1931): the ratio of the abÁsorpÁtance \ab-so radiant energy absorbed by a body to that incident upon it ˆrp#shun, -zo ˆrp#-\ n (1741) 1: the uptake of subabÁsorpÁtion \ab-so stances into or through tissues, e.g., mucosa, skin, and intestine 2: in radiology, the uptake of energy by matterwith which the radiation interacts—see A. of RADIATION—comp ADSORPTION ˆ absorption of radiation \ab-sorp#shun uv r#d-#shun\: collision˘ a ea like interactions between the individual particulate or quantum components of a beam of radiation and the subatomic parts of matter that occur at random during irradiation. Each interaction may result in partial or complete transfer of energy abutÁment\a-but#ment\ n (1634) 1: that part of a structure that di˘ rectly receives thrust or pressure; an anchorage 2: a tooth, a portion of a tooth, or that portion of a dental implant that serves to support and/or retain a prosthesis—usage see ANGULATED A., HEALING A., DENTAL IMPLANT A., INTERMEDIATE A., ONE PIECE A., PREPARATION PIECE A., STANDARD A., TWO PIECE A.

abutment analog n (2005): a replica ofthe superior portion of a dental implant. Usually used to provide an exact form of the dental implant abutment within the dental laboratory during fabrication of a prosthesis supported in part or whole by the dental implant abutment clamp \a-but#ment klamp\ (1998): any device used for po˘ ˘ sitioning a dental implant abutment upon the dental implant body abutment driver n (2005): any handinstrument usually specifically made to assist in insertion and securing of a dental implant abutment to the superior portion of a dental implant abutment healing cap n (2005): any temporary cover used to provide a seal over the superior portion of a dental implant; most such covers are metallic and are intended for interim usage following exposure of the dental implants superior surface abutment post n...
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