
Páginas: 2 (464 palabras) Publicado: 6 de octubre de 2011
Omar Antonio Carreón Medrano
Introducción al desarrollo de aplicaciones computacionales

Glossary of terms (Visual Basic)
Terms | Use | Syntac |
Integer (Int) | Convertsto an integer number (CInt). | Dim variable as Integer |
Single (Sng) | Converts to a real number (Csng) | Dim variable as Single |
String (Str) | Converts a numeric into a text. (Cstr) | Dimvariable as a String |
CStr | Change String | Variable = CStr(textbox.text) |
CBoolean | Change Boolean | Variable = CBool(textbox.text) |
CInt | Change Integer | Variable = CInt (textbox.text) |Boolean | True or False | Dim variable as Boolean
If condition then
variable= True |
Dim | Declare a variable of a specific type. | Dim Variable1 as Type |
Val | Converts a string into a numericvalue. | Val(“1.432”) |
And | If two conditions are true, they can join. | Result= Variable1 and Variable2 |
Or | If two conditions are true, you can choose. | Result= Variable1 or Variable2 |If...then | Decisions | If condition then (instructions)
End If |
Else | If the conditions is not accomplished | If condition then
End If |
Else If | Ifthe conditions is not accomplished, but if the other does. | If condition then
Else if
End If |
Sub | Defines a procedure | Sub name()
EndSub |
Clear | Clears anything previously displayed. | Name1.Clear |
Select case | Execute a group of instructions.Check different values for variable | Select case variableCase {list of values}[instructions]Case {List of values} [instructions]Case else [instructions]End Select |
MsgBox | Shows a message in a dialog box and waits for the user to click on a button. |Dim variable as integervariable=MsgBox(“Prompt”, MsgBoxStyle, “Title”) |
Prompt | Message that will be shown in the dialog box. | “Must be in quotation marks” |
MsgBoxStyle | Dialog box style....
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