Guanajuato Costumes

Páginas: 3 (618 palabras) Publicado: 8 de noviembre de 2012
Woman wearing short sleeve blouse or chintz gareta striped long skirt almost to the ankle and calico cloth, then began using fabrics like Nipes, taffeta and brocade, and worecalico bag, the silk and yarn shawl colored wool black, blue, white, pink and green glass chokers and necklaces of coral, the shoe that was used was taconcillo booties, which garbancillos tapeworms orstuds. To load money using a bag of wool blanket or cloth, which was hanging on her neck.
Man: They used panties blanket and patio which was a piece of blanket box, hemmed and tied to low peaks formingthe sides, the shirt was long sleeve, whether it was chintz, seines grated or blanket, specks on the bottom, with buttons on, billed to your backpack ixtle other or sacks of wool which were made bythe inhabitants of the place.

In women, pleated skirt and wide, with a Olán reaching to mid-calf, about a garment called quechquemitl blouse or dress quesquene taken bothfrom the Huasteca indigenous. The apron and accompanying attachments dressed as the range and necklaces, from southern Veracruz Jarocho. The fringes hanging from quechquemitl were taken from the cueraTamaulipas. The dress is made of organza, chiffon and organza, presented in white or pastel colors, embroidery or flower broom and the apron is quechquemitl with brightly colored stamens
Theguayabera is a men's suit with four rows of pleats in the back, four pockets, collar type rancher, with a red scarf and a bandana tied around his neck, white pants, hat with chin strap and four stones, whitespats.

YUCATAN costume
The costume consists of three parts, hence the name TERNO.

The first doublet is a square flap of twenty or more inches wide that is attached to the neck of hipil, saidhipil is knee so be the second part of the suit. The third the fustian, which is half curly background that attaches to the waist with a waistband of the same fabric, hipil below. Each of these...
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