Guia de ingles

Páginas: 2 (261 palabras) Publicado: 25 de marzo de 2011

1-Cristopher Columbus discovered this America.
America was discovered by Columbus in 14922-Gutenberg invented the printing press.
The printing press was invented by Gut. Ember.
3-Lance Armstrong won 5 tours France
Tours d’f were won bylance Armstrong 5 years age.
4-My friend didn’t Spain the last yesterday.
Spain wasn’t visited by him last yesterday
5-Paul and john didn’tsing Dreams in the 60’s
Dreams wasn’t sing log john and Paul in the 60’s
6-Jenny broke to windows yesterday.
To windows were by broken byyesterday
7-Jenny didn’t to windows yesterday.
To windows weren’t yesterday jenny.
8-Did you eat pizza the last weekend?
The last weekend wasn’tyesterday
9-Did you speak English yesterday?
Speak English wasn’t yesterday.
2.- Solf of, rid on my, what up whit you, got a point
My momwants to get rid of me.
My aunt wants you get rid of mine at a party.
My friend told the other
What up with you?
One teacher told hisstudents that edema.
What up with you?

3-Countables on Uncountable
There is too much traffic in the city
There is too much food on the restaurantThere is too much sugar in the table
There are too many people in the town
There are too many cars in the street
My brother will be adoctor when he grows up
I going to finish my carrier in 3 years
I going to visit my sister in Hawaii the next vacation

Profesor: victor medina
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