Helping your child with name recognition

Páginas: 2 (368 palabras) Publicado: 2 de febrero de 2012
I print my preschool students name in large font on magnetic paper with a photo of them. Next I cut it into a few pieces and lay it out on the whiteboard so they have their own personal jigsaw puzzlethat helps with name recognition.

Name Mobile

Have children cut out the letters in their names(we used our sponge paint letters). String them to a paper plate that has been cut in halfand decorated.

Caterpillar Names

Have children cut several circles out of construction paper. On each circle, write one letter of the child's name. Mix up the circles and let thechildren practice spelling their names. Glue in place onto construction paper to create a caterpillar.

Clothespin Names


Write child's name on heavy cardboard or craft foam. Write the lettersof child's name on clothespins. Store clothespins in a Ziplock bag for children to practice the letter order in their names. This idea comes from the 2008 Aug/Sept Mailbox Magazine.

Bottle CapNames

Use a sharpie to write one letter of the child's name on a bottle cap. Use them to practice spelling out the child's name. There are many more activities you can do with these caps.Place the letters into a bowl and have the children use a cooking spoon to scoop the letters out. Hide them around the room and have the child search them out. Make a bingo game to spell the child's nameinstead of bingo

Homework Ideas get parents to decorate their childs name anyway they want

Name Recognition Bulletin Board

Print each child's name onto cardstock. Send them home for afamily project to decorate with crayons, color, glue, glitter, pasta, cereal, stickers, etc. They turn out really nice and make a beautiful bulletin board. My children really got excited to have"Homework" and were so proud to show their friends how they decorated their names. I really had great family participation for this activity.
Crayon Resist Name Recognition

Write each child's...
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