Historia De Terror En Ingles

Páginas: 3 (508 palabras) Publicado: 28 de octubre de 2012
Kidney Theft
A young decided one Saturday night to attend a party. He was having so much fun, he drank some beers and met a girl there and they seemed to like, invited him to go to another party. Hequickly agreed and went with her. They went to an apartment, where they continued drinking beer and apparently gave drugs (do not know).
The next thing I remember is that fully awoke naked in abathtub full of ice cubes. Still feeling the effects of drugs and beer. He looked around and he was alone. Then he looked at his chest and discovered he had written with red paint this message: "Call 911or you will die."
He saw a phone near the bathtub, so she called immediately. He explained to the operator the situation in which he found himself. The operator advised him to get out of the tub andyou look in the mirror. Was observed apparently normal, so the operator told her to check back. In doing so, he became aware that he had two nine-inch slots in the lower abdomen. The operator told himto get back in the tub and would send an emergency team.
Unfortunately, after being thoroughly examined at the hospital, he realized what had happened: he had stolen the kidneys. Currently, thisperson is in the hospital connected to a system that keeps it alive. The University of Texas Medical Center and Baylor University made ​​efforts to find donors

El Robo De Riñones
Un joven decidió unsábado por la noche para asistir a una fiesta. Él estaba divirtiendo mucho, bebió algunas cervezas y conoció a una chica allí y que parecía que le gustaba, lo invitó a ir a otra parte. Rápidamenteaceptó y se fue con ella. Fueron a un apartamento, donde continuaron tomando cerveza y aparentemente le dio esteroides (no lo sé).
La siguiente cosa que recuerdo es que desperté completamente desnuda enuna bañera llena de cubitos de hielo. Aún sintiendo los efectos de las drogas y cerveza. Miró a su alrededor y él estaba solo. Luego miró el pecho y descubrió que había escrito con pintura roja...
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  • Historia de terror
  • Historias de terror
  • Historias De Terror

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