Historia del ingles

Páginas: 6 (1405 palabras) Publicado: 17 de septiembre de 2010
nglish is a language originating in northwestern Europe, which belongs to the Germanic branch of Indo-European languages, which developed in England, released from its origin in the British Isles and many of its former overseas colonies

English is probably the third language in the world in number of speakers who are native speakers (between 300 and 400 million people), and thesecond most spoken, behind Mandarin Chinese, if you count those who have it also as a second language (200 million people).
English, England extending their language around the world (British Empire), and becoming the United States of America in the greatest economic and military power, has become the de facto lingua franca of our day.
Despite the existence of other languages and internationallanguages like Esperanto or Interlingua looking to use more neutral language, English is today the main language of international communication. This is because a "civilization" dominant usually does not take another language, but on the contrary, it imposes its own, this is the reason why in many European countries speak languages derived from Latin, As this is the official language of the RomanEmpire.
Currently there are proposals to neutrality in the use of an auxiliary language, but from the economic point of view would be lost large amounts of money to be paid during the teaching-learning process, these are, for example, royalties pay for books and teaching materials in general, in addition to the certification exams that must be renewed every so often. It follows the refusal to take aninternational language other than English by those who profit with this business.
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English language descended from Germanic tribes spoke migrated from what is now northern Germany (and part of Denmark) to the land that would be known as Britain. These tribes are traditionally identified with the names ofFrisians, Britons, Angles, Saxons and Jutes. Their language is called Old Saxon and Old Low German. According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, around the year 449, Vortigern, king of the British Isles, extended an invitation led to some Anglo Hengest and Horsa to help him from the Picts. In return, the Angles were granted lands in the southeast. Search for more aid, and in response came Angles, Saxons andJutes. The Chronicle documents the subsequent arrival of "settlers" who eventually established seven kingdoms of Northumbria, Mercia, East Anglia, Kent, Essex, Wessex and Sussex. However, in the opinion of most modern scholars, the Anglo-Saxon history is legendary and politically motivated.

The English consonant inventory comprises 25 items (some varieties of Scotland and North America reach the27 to include two additional fricative):
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| Labial | Dental | Alveolar | Alv.-pal. | Velar | Labiovelar | Glotal |
Oclusiva /
Africada | /p/
pit | | /t/
tin | /tʃ/
cheap | /k/
cut | | |
| /b/
bit | | /d/
din | /dʒ/
jeep | /ɡ/
gut | | |
Fricativa | /f/
fat | /θ/
thin | /s/
sap | /ʃ/
she | /x/*loch | /ʍ/*
which | /h/
ham |
| /v/
vat | /ð/
then | /z/
zap | /ʒ/
measure | | | |
nasal | /m/
map | | /n/
nap | | /ŋ/
bang | | |
aproximante | | | /l/
run | /j/
yes | | /w/
we | |

The spelling of English is set around the fifteenth century. Although since then the language has undergone major sound changes, especially in the vowels, whichmakes the spelling is not a reliable guide to pronunciation. As an example we can consider the sequence-ea-, which has up to seven pronunciations [citation needed] differ only partially predictable from phonetic context

Sonido | Ortografía | transcripción AFI | Significado |
[e], [ɛ] | head, health | [hed]/[hɛd], [helθ]/[hɛlθ] | 'cabeza', 'salud' |
[iː] | heap, heat | [hiːp], [hiːt] |...
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