
Páginas: 4 (769 palabras) Publicado: 6 de septiembre de 2012
Rules (Reglas gramaticales)
Form (Forma)
Para formar el futuro continuo se utiliza los verbos auxiliares "will" y "to be" y el gerundio (infinitivo + "-ing") del verbo principal o se puede utilizarel verbo auxiliar "to be" y "going to be".
Sujeto | Auxiliares | Gerundio |
I | will be / am going to be | talking, eating, learning, doing, going... |
He, She, It | will be / is going to be |talking, eating, learning, doing, going... |
You, We, They | will be / are going to be | talking, eating, learning, doing, going... |
Structure (Estructura)
1. Affirmative Sentences (Frasesafirmativas)
* Ejemplos:
* I will be talking. I'm going to be talking.
I will be talking. / I'm going to be talking. (Estaré hablando.)
* He will be eating. He's going to beeating.
He will be eating. / He's going to be eating. (Estará comiendo.)
* They will be learning. They're going to be learning.
They will be learning. / They're going to belearning. (Estarán aprendiendo.)
Estructura 1 Sujeto + "will be" + gerundio.
Estructura 2 Sujeto + verbo auxiliar ("to be") + "going to be" + gerundio.
2. Negative Sentences (Frases negativas)
* I won't be talking. I'm not going to be talking.
I will not [won't] be talking. / I'm not going to be talking. (No estaré hablando.)
* He won't be eating. He's notgoing to be eating.
He will not [won't] be eating./ He's not going to be eating. (No estará comiendo.)
* They won't be learning. They're not going to be learning.
They will not[won't] be learning. / They're not going to be learning. (No estarán aprendiendo.)
Estructura 1 Sujeto + "will be" + "not" + gerundio.
Estructura 2 Sujeto + verbo auxiliar ("to be") + "not" + "going tobe" + gerundio.
3. Interrogative Sentences (Frases interrogativas)
* Ejemplos:
* Will you be talking? Are you going to be talking?
Will you be talking? / Are you going to be...
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