History of the managment

Páginas: 55 (13707 palabras) Publicado: 28 de enero de 2011
University of Kentucky
Information Resource Management
Glossary of Terms |
Access, Update |
Ability to not only view the data, but add, delete or modify it as well. |
Access, View |
Ability to only view or read the data, but not alter it in any fashion. |
Accuracy |
A dimension of data quality. Data is accurate when it is free of errors (Department of Defense;Inmon, Imhoff and Sousa 227). . |
Ad Hoc Query Repository |
A collection of enterprise data from multiple sources, used to do ad hoc and operational reporting where the need to use the most current and un-standardized source data is a requirement. The Repository will typically contain only one or two years of the most recent data, unless regulatory or statutory requirements dictateotherwise. (Also known as an Operational Data Store or ODS.) |
Administrative Data |
Data used to support or is relevant to the administrative, operational or planning functions within the institution (Arizona State University). |
Attribute |
Pertaining to the development of the Data Architecture or logical data model, the term is used to describe data that furtherdefines or describes an Entity (Purdue University; Radcliffe 12; Redman 289). The term “attribute” is similar to “element”. For example, for a student “entity”, attributes could include identification number, name, sex and HEW/ethnic code. |
Committee of Data Custodians |
A group of middle level management responsible for the collection and maintenance of specific data in theirfunctional areas (Indiana University; University of Virginia), enforcing corresponding policy and procedures, and providing accurate analysis and presentation of their data for reporting. These individuals are typically identified as the “super users” or “System Administrators” who are the experts on the administrative systems which support their areas, and are the most familiar with theinterrelationship between policy and procedures, business rules, data systems and data standards. In addition, this committee includes the sector Effectiveness Coordinators. The Custodians serve as a primary source of information on their data, recommend security classifications and assign access rights for all their enterprise data, and are responsible for assisting Data Administration in researching problems,identifying solutions, developing documentation, policies and procedures, and implementing any process, policy, procedure or process changes required to address data administration issues. (See AR III-2.0-1.) . |
Committee of Data Stewards |
A group of higher-level management who have the responsibility for planning and setting directions for the management of institutional data(Indiana University; University of Virginia). Members are familiar with the institutional ramifications of data access, security, quality and analysis, and are cognizant of the various regulatory mandates with which the University must comply. This group reviews pertinent information and makes recommendations to the Vice President for Administration, and the Medical Center Vice Chancellor forInformation Technology (also CIO of the University Hospital) where appropriate, on all data administration procedures and policies, priorities for data quality projects, the sequence in which the official institutional systems will be included in the Data Warehouse, identifications of all enterprise data to be managed and stored within the Data Warehouse, security classifications for all enterprise data,potential system purchases or enhancements which will not be compliant with the institutional data architecture, and disputes over data access, use and ownership. (See AR III-2.0-1.) . |
Completeness |
A dimension of data quality. Data is complete when data values are present for all records, occurrences or logical entities that require them within the database (Department of...
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